How to Grow Lemons At Home And Never Buy Them Again

Lemons are extremely beneficial and versatile fruits with a unique flavor and aroma. They are excellent in healthy, detox, and refreshing drinks, and improve health in countless ways.  

Rachael Link, MS, RD says that these fruits are low in calories, but high in fiber and vitamin C, as well as several other micronutrients.

One peeled lemon provides:

  • 24 calories
  • 7.8 grams carbohydrates
  • 0.9 gram protein
  • 0.3 gram fat
  • 2.4 grams dietary fiber
  • 44.5 milligrams vitamin C (74 percent DV)
  • 116 milligrams potassium (3 percent DV)
  • 0.5 milligram iron (3 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (3 percent DV)

Lemons also contain small amounts of folate, calcium, copper, magnesium, thiamin, and pantothenic acid.

Here are some of their health benefits:

  • Lemons lower the risk of strokes and heart disease, and improve heart health, and lower cholesterol levels
  • The citric acid in lemons regulates the pH levels of the urine, and prevents the formation of kidney stones
  • The high iron levels prevent anemia, and vitamin C and citric acid in lemons improve its absorption in the body
  • Lemons are high in soluble fiber and simple sugars, so it improves digestion and regulates blood sugar
  • Lemons contain potent anti-carcinogenic compounds that lower the risk of cancer
  • Lemons are rich in pectin, which creates a feeling of fullness, polyphenols, that prevent fat accumulation in the body, and accelerate metabolism, so they are excellent for weight loss

Therefore, wouldn’t it be amazing to have an unlimited supply of these citrus fruits at hand all the time, in an almost cost-free way? Well, it is time to learn how to grow your organic lemons at home!

Here are the advantages of growing lemons at home:

— When you have your own produce grown at home, you are much more likely to eat a healthier diet and pick up healthier dietary habits

— Freshly picked fruits and veggies are richer in nutrients than the ones we buy at grocery stores

— When you grow your own lemons, you can pick them at the moment they reach the ripeness you prefer

— You can control the entire process of growing your own fruits, and limit the use of fertilizers, so you will be completely sure of the quality of the fruits you consume

— You will get the opportunity to eat a lemon that has been just picked, so it will definitely be fres

— It is a cheaper alternative to buying lemons from the stores

Now, here is how to grow your lemons at home:

You will need:

  • A lemon
  • A pot or similar container
  • Potting soil
  • Plastic film (must be breathable!)
  • A sunny spot (or grow lights)
  • A bucket
  • Watering device (watering can, squirt bottle, etc.)

Follow these steps to start planting:

  • Prepare the soil, place the potting soil inside a bucket, pour some water to dampen it, and flip the pot up, leaving an inch of empty space around the top
  • Cut the lemon, remove the seed, and suck on it to remove the flesh, but make sure it is still moist
  • Plant the seed in the pot, about half of an inch under the soil
  • Moderately water the lemon seed, and cover the pot up with a breathable plastic film
  • Place the pot in a sunny and warm place, or turn on the grow lights above it.
  • In a few weeks, the lemon seed will start sprouting, so take the plastic cover off
  • Place the pot in a warm place, but not exposed to direct sunlight
  • While young, make sure the soil of your lemon tree is always moist, so the pot must have sufficient holes for drainage 
  • Keep it exposed to direct sunlight about 8 hours daily
  • Keep transplanting it into bigger pots as the tree grows, and use fertilizer as needed
  • As soon as it becomes too large, you can move it out to your yard or balcony, and after a while, you will enjoy your delicious home-grown  lemons

When you have an unlimited supply of lemons at home, there is a wide range of potential uses for you to enjoy. You can add lemons to water and drinks, desserts and baked goods, or pair them with some health-promoting herbs like thyme, rosemary or lemon balm for even more flavor and health benefits.

You can use lemons outside of the kitchen as well. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the diffuser for a fresh scent, or to your laundry, apply it to the hair for an extra shine, use it to whiten and brighten clothing, or as a natural household cleaner and polish.

Take the time to grow your own lemons at home and you will be amazed by the difference it makes!


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