Fast and effective get rid of your double chin with these 5 exercises

With passing time, your face’s appearance shifts: Wrinkles form, jowls sag, double chins form and your neck and chin lose tautness. If you’re waging battle against these changes, there are dermatological procedures — like fillers and other injections — that can help.

But what about non-medical remedies? If you’re accustomed to buoying your health and wellness with regular workouts and a thoughtful diet, you might wonder if there’s merit to facial exercises, which are often on view as you scroll social media.

5 Jawline Exercises to Try

So-called face yoga isn’t likely to transform your neck, chin or cheeks. But if you’re curious about giving your jawline a workout, Alejandra (Ali) Martinez CPT, a certified personal trainer at WRKOUT, shares five jawline exercises you can try at home.

1. Sound Out Vowels



  1. Open your mouth wide.
  2. Say the letter “O” followed by the letter “E.”
  3. Hold each position for 1 second.

2. Kiss the Sky


  1. Lift your chin, then nod your head back.
  2. Swallow while simultaneously pushing the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

3. Stretch Your Tongue

Image Credit: Ali Martinez/


TIME10 Sec

  1. Sit up straight. Slowly raise your chin so you’re looking at the ceiling.
  2. Keep your shoulders relaxed to avoid neck strain.
  3. Stick your tongue out and down, trying to get the tip to touch your chin.
  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then relax.
  5. Repeat for a total of 3 sets.

4. Smile Smoother

Image Credit: Ali Martinez/


  1. Place your index finger onto the chin area. Make a smile shape with your mouth wrapping your lips around your teeth.
  2. Start to scoop your jaw backwards, opening and closing your mouth.
  3. Apply subtle pressure with your index finger as you start to tilt your chin up towards the ceiling without over-straining the neck, continue to open and close your mouth as you slowly tilt your head back down to starting position.

5. Chin Press

Image Credit: Ali Martinez/



  1. Place your fist under your chin and begin opening and closing your mouth.
  2. Push your fist into your chin, applying resistance from your hand.
  3. Do not rush through the movement. Repeat for 1 minute.
  4. Rest before starting your next set.

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