5 Effective Exercises to Sculpt Your Butt and Thighs

Are you aiming for a beautifully toned booty? Achieving that lifted and sculpted look is all about incorporating targeted glute exercises into your routine, ideally two to three times a week. In this article, we’ve got you covered with five fantastic exercises that can help you shape a strong and attractive backside.

And here’s an extra motivation: these exercises are calorie burners! When you engage your lower body muscles, like your legs and butt, you’re giving your metabolism a boost and aiding in overall fat loss. With these at-home butt exercises, you’ll be ready to confidently flaunt your toned, sculpted curves this summer.

1. Kettlebell squat

This exercise targets the back of your thighs while lifting and toning your butt. You’ll also engage your shoulders and biceps.

Hold a kettlebell or a 15-pound dumbbell in front of you, with feet wider than hip-width. Squat down and back, envisioning sitting in an imaginary chair. Touch your elbows to your knees, aiming to get your thighs parallel to the ground. Shift your weight into your heels and rise to a standing position while raising the weight overhead. Perform 15 repetitions for maximum impact..

2. Bent leg kickback

This exercise targets the lower booty and tones the thighs effectively.

Start in a table-top position on your knees with forearms on the ground. Activate your glutes as you raise your right leg straight back and up, keeping your foot flexed.

Lower your leg down with control and perform 20 repetitions. Then, switch sides for balanced engagement.

3. Weighted donkey kicks

This exercise is a game-changer for lifting your backside!

Start in a table-top position with knees on the ground and hands aligned under your shoulders. Place a five-pound weight behind your right knee, maintaining a 90-degree angle in your leg as you lift it straight upward.

Imagine pressing your foot toward the sky as you raise your leg. Do 10 repetitions and then switch sides. If needed, you can also perform this move without the weight.

4. One-legged bridge

This exercise is all about shaping your booty and toning your thighs.

Start in a bridge position on the mat, legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Position a two- to five-pound dumbbell above your left thigh and raise that leg vertically.

Engage your booty by pushing through your right heel while keeping the other leg lifted. Complete 10 reps and then switch sides.

5. Mini band knee openers

This exercise targets your outer booty and thighs, giving you that burn you’re looking for!

Wrap a mini resistance band above your knees (you can also perform this move without the band).

Lie on your right side, knees bent backward, feet together, and prop your body on your right elbow. Maintain foot contact as you raise your top knee up and backward. Lower it and repeat for 20 reps. Then, switch sides.

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