These 6 moves can help you reduce your double chin

Much has already been said about how to train and improve your body. However, few people know about how to make your face shape better and get rid of the double chin. In the meantime, there are special exercises, procedures, and even diets that help you quickly and easily remove a double chin without surgery.

Our article is dedicated to this topic today. We’ll talk about what the double comes from, and we’ll try to do a few exercises. Let’s start?

Nothing just happens: if some part of your body gets bigger, then there’s a factor that provokes it.

The same thing with a double chin: the reasons may be different, but they certainly exist. There are several reasons which can lead to this problem:

#1 The facial muscle weakening

This usually happens with age and extra pounds or rapid weight gain.

#2 Wrong habits

Do you like to read in bed, walk constantly with your head down? So, don’t be surprised to see that you have a double chin in some time.

#3 Endocrine diseases

Thyroid problems in some cases also result in the appearance of a double chin. Even then, you can handle the problem by using our recommendations.

If you’re interested in how to get rid of the double chin quickly, you have to change your diet. Choose any balanced diet, avoid the use of sweets, wheat, smoked and fatty food. Add some fresh vegetable and fruit smoothies to your daily menu.

Today we want to show you 6 exercises that will lift the skin of the face and help remove the double chin. Scroll down to learn the details.

#1. Chin Rotations

In a seated or standing position, elongate your spine for a tall, straight back. Then, leading with your chin, slowly and gently rotate your head so it moves in a full circle from your shoulder to chest to shoulder to back.

(If full circular rotations bother your neck, stick with semicircles moving from shoulder to shoulder.) Make sure to keep your shoulders down and back throughout the movement. That’s one rep. Complete 10. Repeat in the opposite direction.

#2. Tongue Press

Sitting with your back straight and shoulders down, tilt your head back so that you are looking at the ceiling. Forcefully press your tongue flat to the roof of your mouth. Then, keeping your tongue against the roof of your mouth, lower your chin to your chest as far as possible without rounding your upper back.

You should feel your chin and the front of your neck contract. Then relax your tongue and straighten your neck to return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Complete two sets of 20 reps each.

#3. Jaw Release

In a seated or standing position, elongate your spine for a tall, straight back. Moving your jaws up and down like you are chewing and keeping your lips together, inhale deeply through your nose then slowly exhale while humming. When you finish the exhale, open your mouth as wide as possible with the tip of your tongue gently pressed against the back of your bottom teeth.

Holding this position, inhale then exhale with an audible “ahhh” sound. The entire move should take 90 seconds. That’s one rep. Complete two.

#4. Kiss the Ceiling

Standing tall with your arms hanging at your sides, tilt your head back so that you are looking at the ceiling. Then try to kiss the ceiling by puckering your lips and extending them as far away from your face as possible.

You should feel a tightening throughout your neck and chin. Hold for five seconds, then relax your lips and lower your chin to return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Complete two sets of 15 reps each.

#5. Stick out Tongue

This is a great exercise that builds the muscles in your chin and can reduce a double chin without surgery. Stand or sit in a relaxed position. Open your mouth as wide as you can and stick your tongue out as far as you can so that you feel your chin and neck tighten.

Hold your tongue out and count to 10. Relax and return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Complete 10.

#6. Pigeon

Place your thumb on one side of your jaw, underneath your jawbone and just before it turns upward toward the ear. Place the same hand’s index finger in the same location on the opposite jaw.

While holding your hand still, push forward against your hand with your neck and head. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then release your hand and move your neck back to the starting position. That’s one rep. Complete 3.

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