Stop buying avocados. This is how you can grow an avocado tree in a small pot at home

Unless you’ve been on a desert island for the past couple of years, you’ve probably noticed that avocados are everywhere. This small green fruit has been added to meals in almost every restaurant and in almost every possible home recipe. The ‘avocado trend’ isn’t a bad thing for your body, as the fruit contains potassium, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin E. In addition to being heart-healthy fats and high in fiber .

The only downside to the trend is that in the last year the average price of avocados has increased by more than 25%, as grocery stores seek to maximize their profits. To save yourself some money and still be able to eat fresh, organic avocados, having your own avocado tree seems almost a necessity. The word tree can hint that you need a huge amount of space. However, an avocado is an easy little tree to grow.

If you are in need of guacamole for a weekend dinner, wait no more, with a little time and love, you can have home grown organic avocados. So put on your gardening gloves and get ready…

How to grow an avocado tree from a seed


Carefully clean the avocado seed and make sure you know which end is the top and which is the bottom. Four toothpicks are stuck into the seed at equal distances right in the middle of the seed. Then you have to get a glass of water and adjust your seed so that it is in it, the toothpicks should keep about two centimeters of the seed soaking in the water.

The seed should be placed out of direct sunlight, but in a warm place until the plant has grown to about 15 centimeters and the roots are visible. This growth should take two to six weeks, at which time the plant should be reduced to about 3/8 inches. Wait for more leaves to grow and the plant to reach 6 inches again before planting.


Get a large pot about 10 inches in diameter, with a small hole in the bottom for drainage. Fill the pot with nutrient-rich soil, leaving a small hole at the top of the compost to place your seed. Place the seed in the hole making sure it is not too deep and half of the seed is above the ground.


Once the avocado tree has been planted, it should be placed in a sunny area of ​​your home. Water the tree generously and regularly, ensuring that the water will keep it moist but not saturated.

If the leaves start to turn brown and dry, it is a clear sign that the plant is not getting enough water. To solve the problem, put the pot in your sink, turn on the faucet and let the water run through the soil for a few moments, ensuring that excess water is drained before removing the plant from the sink.

If the leaves start to turn yellow and droop, you are overwatering the plant. To rectify the situation, do not water the plant for a few days and reduce the amount of water it is given in the future.

To enjoy!

Keep up with regular maintenance and care for your tree in order for it to flourish. You’ll have to wait a couple of years before it starts bearing its first fruits, but when it does you’ll be enjoying your own fresh, delicious avocados.

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