It may come as a shock to you that there is a hazardous bacterium that distresses two-third of the world population. As amazing as this may be, it is entirely true that this tiny intestinal living being has been around for some time creating health difficulties in billions of individuals.
Its name is Helicobacter Pylori. You are not liable to have heard that name before on the grounds that even experts think that it’s hard to distinguish H. Pylori without legitimate remedial examinations. The microorganisms are what you would rightly call a tricky asymptomatic living being that lives in the intestines.
This Bacterium Can Come To You
As troublesome as it may be for you to accept, this bacterium which lives inside the stomach can sneak up on you to bring about some harm. Despite the fact that you may never envision that a bacterium could make you feel depressed or uneasy, this specific one has an approach to changing how you feel, before you even know it.
How does H Pylori enter the body? Generally, it is through contaminated water or drinks. It is passed through fecal matter. For instance, in the event that somebody didn’t wash their hands appropriately before serving you food, you could get H Pylori from it.
This is a reason why you should be careful of the kind of restaurant you eat in. In addition, try to keep your home clean won’t be breeding intestinal microbes in your living room.
What Can You Do To Fight This Bacterium
What’s good is that up to 80% of individuals who looked for treatment had the capacity to get H Pylori expunged. Antitoxins are a decent choice to accomplish this, however you ought to talk with your doctor to figure out what solution is best for you. You may not require antitoxins, and that is the reason you ought to look for medicinal counsel first.
To keep away from this bacterium, you need to stick to healthy food. Double-check you get enough vitamins A, C, E and zinc. They will help secure your stomach against H Pylori. Probiotics can likewise be useful; such as lactobacillus and bifid bacterium.
Guarantee you drink clean water and wash your hands routinely to maintain a strategic distance from these bacteria.
On the off chance that you have any motivation to think that you may have H pylori, then it’s time to visit your doctor for an examination.
How to Kill Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria in Natural Way
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria, which is a main reason for the stomach infection. When it appears, it causes symptoms like nausea, belching, vomiting, gastritis, bloating, and stomach pain.
Causing a chronic inflammation this bacteria that can disrupt the function of your digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. This usually leads to chronic stomach distress.
The medical statistics show that Helicobacter pylori bacteria affects about 66% of the world population. In the developing countries, the case is even worse, the H. pylori infection affects more than 80% of adults and 10% of children.
This bacteria that thrive in your body, increases the risk of developing a stomach cancer by 6 times. Additionally, it can lead to serious digestive problems, such as peptic ulcers and gastritis.
Most people rely on the conventional treatments when are affected by this infection. However, the conventional treatments will not eliminate the bacteria completely, affect the good bacteria and there are many side-effects that people have experienced by using them.
So, the best and the most effective way of fighting against this bacteria are several natural ways. They successfully treat and prevent a Helicobacter pylori infection!
Here are 8 natural ways to eliminate Helicobacter pylori bacteria
1) Manuka honey
Honey has been included in various natural remedies for centuries. It possesses potent antibacterial properties and has been used in healing different health problems.
According to the experts, using raw honey or Manuka honey with standard treatments can shorten treatment time.
– Consume 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey in the morning, before your breakfast
– You can also prepare a toast with Manuka honey and eat this as a breakfast.
2) Cranberry juice
This is one of the most effective natural remedies for any type of infection of the gastrointestinal or urinary tract. Thanks to its high content of antibacterial compounds that the fruit has, this juice is known for its effects on bacteria. It successfully promotes the elimination of the bacteria through normal excretion and urination.
3) Probiotics
For the proper digestion and gut health, we need many beneficial bacteria. So, if there is no bacterial balance in the stomach it can have a negative effect on your overall health. The existence of the Helicobacter pylori infection can upset the bacterial balance. The bacterial imbalance further leads to inflammation and chronic health risks. Probiotics are able to replace the lost bacteria in your gut and can also reduce symptoms and prevent bacterial colonization.
4) Black seed (Nigella sativa)
Black seed, besides many beneficial properties, is particularly effective against H. pylori infections. A study conducted in 2010 confirmed that people with H. pylori who consumed 2 grams of ground black seeds a day along with omeprazole succeed to eliminate it faster than people who had the conventional therapy.
5) Green tea
Experts confirmed that a green tea can kill and slow the growth of Helicobacter bacteria. By drinking the green tea before an infection you can prevent stomach inflammation and reduce the severity of gastritis.
6) Garlic
Garlic, because of the strong antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, can be used to kill off H. pylori bacteria. It can be consumed raw or cooked. The study shows that people with H. pylori who ate two-medium sized cloves of garlic for their meals (lunch and dinner) experienced a great reduction in H. pylori bacteria.
7) Broccoli sprouts
Broccoli sprouts are rich in sulforaphane, a compound that is very effective against H. pylori. Its effectiveness is examined in the lab studies and they showed that it can reduce gastric inflammation and lower bacteria colonization. Additionally, broccoli sprout powder can fight type 2 diabetes and reduce the cardiovascular risk factors.
8) Propolis
Propolis possesses more than 300 compounds, including coumarins, phenolic compounds, amino acids, polyphenols and plant sterols. According to many studies, it has an ability to inhibit the growth of H. pylori bacteria.
Helicobacter pylori diet tips
Your diet should include:
– Chia seeds and flax seeds (contain omega-3s)
– Probiotic-rich foods like kefir
– Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and broccoli sprouts)
– Wild-caught fish (omega-3 fatty acids)
– Raw honey (Manuka honey) in moderation used in green/black tea
– Berries (raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, and bilberry)
Stay away from:
– Pickled foods
– Carbonated beverages
– Spicy foods
– Caffeine
– Low-fiber grains
Other included sources linked in FHFN’s article:
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