Coconut Oil and Weight Gain: 10 Facts You Need To Know

Classified among the “superfoods”, coconut oil is one of the healthiest things you can use on the planet!

It includes beneficial fatty acids which have an advantageous effect on the health. The use of coconut oil has been found to provide various incredible health benefits, including weight loss and improved brain function.

The following health benefits of this miraculous oil have been confirmed by numerous scientific studies conducted on humans.

A Unique Combination of Fatty Acids

In the past, the saturated fats in coconut oil have been the reason for the avoidance of this oil. Namely, it is one of the richest sources of saturated fat , as 90% of the fatty acids it contains are saturated.

Yet, newest research suggests that these fats are not dangerous, and studies conducted on thousands of people have shown that their potential to clog the arteries is, in fact, a myth.

Moreover, coconut oil contains Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), which are actually fatty acids of a medium length, which are metabolized in a different way than long-chain fatty acids.

Namely, from the digestive tract they go directly to the liver, where are used as a fast energy source. Thus, they are converted into so-called ketone bodies, which have powerful effects in the case of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy.

Conclusion: Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides, which are actually beneficial, as they are metabolized in a different way in the body, and positively affect the brain and treat brain disorders.

Populations that regularly consume coconut oil are the healthiest in the world

In the western world, coconut oil is highly appreciated and consumed regularly by health conscious people. Yet, it has also been a dietary staple that people have thrived on for numerous generations in some regions of the world.

For instance, the Tokelauans, which live in the South Pacific, get more than 60% of their calories from coconuts and are thus the ones who consume the most saturated fats on the planet. However, these people do not suffer from heart disease and enjoy their remarkable health.

Moreover, the Kitavans also consume this oil in extremely great amounts and are still in perfect shape and great health.

Conclusion: Many populations have thrived for generations consuming coconut oil and are in excellent health condition.

Coconut oil contains Lauric Acid which fights fungi, viruses, bacteria, and infections

Nearly 50% of the fatty acids in this amazing oil consist of the 12-carbon Lauric Acid. Moreover, when enzymatically digested, coconut oil also creates a monoglyceride known as monolaurin. Both of these fight dangerous pathogens such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

Namely, studies have shown that these substances effectively destroy the yeast Candida Albicans, a common source of yeast infections and the dangerous bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus in humans.

Conclusion: Coconut oil’s fatty acids and breakdown products fight dangerous pathogens and thus prevent infections.

Coconut oil boosts your energy levels and helps you burn more fat

One of the largest health threats nowadays is obesity. Some people believe that obesity is mostly determined by the number f calories while others suggest that the source of those calories is of high importance as well.

Our bodies and hormones are affected differently by different foods, so calories are not the same in all cases.

For instance, the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can actually boost the expenditure of energy, unlike the same amount of calories from longer chain fats. According to one study, 15-30 grams of MCTs on a daily basis improved the 24- hour energy expenditure by 5%, totaling about 120 calories daily.

Conclusion: Coconut oil has medium-chain triglycerides which improve the 24-hour expenditure of energy by 5 percent, which means that it may cause significant weight loss over time.

The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Are converted into Ketones, Which Can Reduce Seizures

Currently, experts are studying the ketogenic diet, which is extremely high in fat, but very low in carbs, as a potential treatment of various health conditions. Its popular therapeutic application is treating drug-resistant epilepsy in children.

Namely, this diet contains very small amounts of carbs, and large amounts of fat, thus increasing the concentrations of ketone bodies in the blood. This diet significantly lowers the seizures in epileptic children for some reason, even in the cases where various drugs failed to provide results.

Since the MCTs in this oil go directly to the liver and get converted into ketone bodies, they are used in the case f epilepsy in order to induce ketosis while still allowing for small amounts of carbohydrates in the diet.

Conclusion: the MCTs in this oil may boost the concentrations of ketone bodies in the blood, and thus prevent seizures in children suffering from epilepsy.

Coconut Oil regulates blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease

Even though it was previously considered to be true, the saturated fats, which are found in great amounts in coconut oil, do not harm the blood lipid profile. Namely, they elevate HDL (the good) cholesterol and turn the LDL cholesterol into a benign subtype.

According to one study conducted on 40 women, this oil lowered Total and LDL cholesterol, and at the same time, elevated HDL compared to soybean oil.

Moreover, rat studies also show that this oil improves the antioxidant status, blood coagulation factors, raises HDL cholesterol and reduces total and LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. This beneficial effect on the risks of cardiovascular disease theoretically indicates that coconut oil lowers the risk of heart disease over the long term.

Conclusion: Coconut oil has been found in both, rats and humans studies, to reduce the risk of heart disease, since it improves the vital factors, such as HDL, LDL, Total cholesterol.

Coconut oil provides a feeling of satiety and helps you eat less

Coconut oil suppresses hunger, probably due to the way fatty acids are metabolized, as ketone bodies reduce the appetite. One study included 6 healthy men who consumed varying amounts of medium and long chain triglycerides.

On average, those subjects who ate the most MCTs consumed 256 fewer calories during the day. Also, another study included 14 healthy men and found that those who consumed the most MCTs at breakfast consumed significantly fewer calories for lunch.

However, these studies were done for a short period of time, so if this trend continues longer, coconut oil would potentially lead to significant weight loss for several years.

Conclusion: Coconut oil includes fatty acids which suppress appetite and may help weight loss.

Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Fat, Especially The Dangerous Fat in Your Abdominal Cavity

Since it has been found that coconut oil boosts the burning of fat, and suppresses the appetite, coconut oil would normally promote weight loss. Apparently, it is effective in reducing belly fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs. This fat is the most harmful kind and causes numerous of the Western diseases.

Moreover, waist circumference can be easily measured, and it indicates the amount of fat accumulated in the abdominal cavity. One study conducted on 40 women with abdominal obesity, found that the supplementation with 30 mL (1 ounce) of coconut oil on a daily basis caused a dramatic reduction in the waist circumference and BMI in 12 weeks.

Also, according to another study in 20 obese men, the supplementation of 30 mL (1 ounce) of coconut oil on a daily basis led to a reduction in waist circumference of 2.86 cm (1.1 inches) in four weeks.

Even though these results may not impress you at first, consider the fact that these effects were gained due to coconut oil only, as the subjects did not exercise, nor limit their calorie intake.

Its fatty acids boost the function of the brain in the case of in Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is the most common dementia cause around the world, and mostly elderly people suffer from it.  In the case of Alzheimer’s, certain parts of the brain lose their ability to use glucose for energy.

Since ketones provide energy for the brain, experts suggest that they can represent an alternative energy source for these malfunctioning cells and thus relieve the Alzheimer’s symptoms.

A study conducted in 2006 showed that the consumption of medium chain triglycerides causes an immediate improvement in brain function in the case of milder forms of this disease.

Moreover, many other studies support these claims and as a result, researchers intensively examine medium chain triglycerides as potential therapeutic agents in the case of Alzheimer’s.

Conclusion: The fatty acids in coconut oil elevate the levels of ketone bodies in the blood, and thus providing energy for the cells in the brain in the case of Alzheimer’s, and thus alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

Coconut Oil may be used as sunscreen, prevents hair damage, and enhances the skin

Despite its consumption, coconut oil can be extremely useful if used topically as well. Its wide usage in cosmetic purposes is due to its remarkable effects on the skin and hair health. Studies have shown that its application on dry skin enhances the moisture and lipid content.

Moreover, it prevents hair damage and has been found to be extremely effective as a sunscreen, blocking about 20% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, as found in a study.

Moreover, coconut oil can also be used as a mouthwash in the procedure of oil-pulling, which eliminates bad breath, promotes dental health, and fight bacteria in the mouth.

Conclusion: the topical use of coconut oil leads to a moisturized and healthy skin, healthy and a shiny hair. Moreover, coconut oil can be used as a mouthwash and a mild sunscreen.

Sources and References: — Original Article Source
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