10 Minute Daily Routine To Have A Flat Abdomen In 2 Weeks

The plank is an exercise that never goes out of fashion and for many valid reasons. If we want to create a ranking of the most effective exercises for training specific areas of the body, the plank exercise is certainly on the podium as far as the abdomen area is concerned.

The plank exercise is ideal for those who want to tone their abdominals without doing countless repetitions of classic exercises. In fact, the plank allows us to obtain more than excellent results by dedicating a few minutes a day to it.

This exercise involves almost the entire body and allows us to burn lots of calories. It is also one of the best exercises for preventing back injuries or worsening existing problems. Below we list 5 reasons to do the plank exercise every day .

1. Tone your muscles

The plank exercise mainly involves the transversus, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdominis and the buttocks. This is important, as each muscle group has a different purpose.

The transversus abdominis increases abdominal pressure so that weights can be lifted. The obliques are responsible for side bends and twisting at the waist. Training these muscles also helps to slim our entire figure.

2. Reduces the risk of injury

Having a strong core improves your ability to perform a wide range of motion.

If you are looking to improve your physical condition to play some sport, or simply to avoid back or joint injuries, the plank is definitely the right exercise.

3. It can be done anywhere

To perform the plank you don’t need special equipment or a lot of space: you can do it anywhere and at any time of the day.

The other positive feature of the plank exercise is that you just need to dedicate a few minutes a day to it to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time.

4. Improves posture

If done well, the plank exercise also helps improve our posture. A strong core area of ​​the body means a correct and upright posture.

The muscles of the abdominal area help keep the body upright, taking pressure off the spine.

5. Improves balance

The core area of ​​the body is also fundamental to guarantee stability for the whole body. It is essential for balance and coordination.

A weak core area, on the other hand, will make finding balance much more difficult and this can lead to falls or injuries.

The benefits of plank exercise don’t end there: this exercise helps speed up your metabolism, increase flexibility and is good for your mental health. Add it to your workout routine to enjoy its excellent results.

10 minute daily routine

Below we suggest a training routine consisting of the classic plank exercise and other variations.

The routine lasts 10 minutes and promises not only to tone the abdomen, but also involves many other muscle groups.

Classic plank

Hiit workout

Do this for 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds.

Plank on forearms

Hiit workout

Do this for 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds.

Side plank

Hiit workout

Do this for 30 seconds each side, then rest for 30 seconds.

Plank with leg raise

Hiit workout

Do this for 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds.

Plank spiderman

Hiit workout

Do this for 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds.

Star side plank

Hiit workout

Perform for 30 seconds each side, then rest for 30 seconds.

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