3 Easy Wall Exercises to Help Reduce Belly Fat and Effectively Tone Thighs

Fitness trainer Juhi Kapoor guides 3 exercises with walls that can be done at home for everyone.

The 3 exercises below will help you achieve your weight loss goals and effectively tone your muscles. These exercises are great for beginners because they have a wall of support, which helps you maintain better balance and adopt better posture.

Anyone can do these exercises, including:

– obese people (very suitable because you need low impact exercises)


– pregnant women (use caution and avoid the last exercise as it requires the balance of one leg)

– the elderly (do it slowly and carefully)

– people with knee pain (if you feel knee pain when doing an exercise, stop)

Below are specific instructions for 3 exercises.

  1. Sitting on the wall
3 exercices muraux pour aider à réduire la graisse du ventre, tonifier efficacement les cuisses pour les débutants 1

-Stand with your back against a wall, feet hip-width apart.

-Keeping your back pressed against the wall, slide down and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Place your hands at your sides with your palms against the wall or keep them facing inward.

-Tighten your abs and press your lower back against the wall. Maintain this seated position for as long as possible. Keep your feet flat and your knees above your ankles.

– When you’re ready to complete a set, slide the wall to stand instead of falling to the ground.

– Perform 3 sets of 1 minute each.

  1. Lunges (wall support)
3 exercices muraux pour aider à réduire la graisse du ventre, tonifier efficacement les cuisses pour les débutants

– Stand straight with one foot in front and one behind, feet about 60 to 90 cm apart, toes forward, hands against the wall, body relaxed.

– The back leg is bent, the knee touches the floor, the front leg is bent at 90 degrees.

– Tighten your abdominal muscles, slowly straighten back to the original position, then continue lowering your legs and repeat the movement.

– Perform 3 sets of each leg, 20 times each set.

  1. Single Leg Deadlift (Wall Supported)
3 exercices muraux pour aider à réduire la graisse du ventre, tonifier efficacement les cuisses pour les débutants 3

– Stand close to the wall, feet hip-width apart, left hand against the wall, right hand at the side.

– Raise the right leg, right knee slightly bent.

– Kick the right leg backwards, lower the upper body perpendicular to the supporting leg, so that the upper body and the leg form a straight line.

– Raise the body to stand up, complete an exercise.

– Perform 3 sets of each leg, 20 times each set.

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