Wash your face with coconut oil and baking soda 3 times a week and this will happen in a month

There is a lot of trust placed in what skin care products promise us . They advertise ‘flawless skin’, ‘acne will disappear’ or ‘natural beauty’, and we buy the products to try them for ourselves.

Examining the ingredient label on a facial cleanser is a bit stressful. What do all those terms mean? Even if you ask someone knowledgeable about the subject, you won’t get a proper answer, as many of the words are completely unpronounceable.

Who can tell what these treatments are really doing to the face?

Taking a closer look at what you rub on your face

A key ingredient in many items is phthalates , which is a chemical compound primarily used as a plasticizer. This ingredient is often not listed on labels.

” The concerns that are centered around this particular chemical have arisen from a number of tests and studies that have been published recently that point to potential health concerns ,” says Sujatha Jahagirdar, an environmental advocate for California.

In addition to unhealthy ingredients, many products are put on the market without proper testing.

“ There are industry trade secrets and formulations that are kept hidden from the consumer for industry reasons, ” says Elizabeth Sword, executive director of the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition . “ This prevents the consumer from making fully informed decisions .”

There’s a way to get out of these health risks and remove skin blemishes at the same time: make your own facial scrub .

coconut oil for skin

Coconut oil is antimicrobial and has moisturizing abilities that are perfect for cleansing your face. In addition to killing the bacteria that create pimples, the oil hydrates the skin and will make it not feel like sandpaper, which many other products do. It is also an anti-inflammatory that can relieve symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.

baking soda for skin

We know that baking soda is an agent that is used in food, but it is also an excellent exfoliant for the face. Your skin will feel very smooth after rubbing this scrub on your face. Baking soda also soothes sunburn, making this facial cleanser a good choice for those who burn easily.

Easy homemade scrub made with coconut oil and baking soda

You probably have these ingredients in your kitchen already, and you just didn’t know how beneficial they are for your skin.


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • That’s it!

Preparation mode:

If the coconut oil is slightly warmer and more liquid, it will be easier to use. Simply mix the two ingredients together until fully combined, and the texture is a bit gritty. Put the resulting mixture in a shallow jar for easy access with your fingers. Rub your face as usual, but you will see the huge difference!

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