Try These 4 Wall Pilates Exercises For Beginners

A more recent kind of Pilates called wall Pilates provides a difficult yet adaptable or scalable Pilates training for beginners to expert athletes.

But, what is wall Pilates? What is the best beginner wall Pilates workout? How do you do a wall Pilates workout for beginners? Is wall Pilates a good workout?

In this guide, we will discuss what wall Pilates is, the benefits of wall Pilates workouts for beginners and fitter athletes and provide step-by-step instructions for some of the best wall Pilates exercises for beginners to get you started.

The Best Wall Pilates Workout For Beginners

We have put together one of the best wall Pilates beginner workouts with wall Pilates exercises for beginners that are easy enough to master yet provide a well-rounded strengthening Pilates workout to challenge your whole body.

Here are some of the best wall Pilates beginner exercises:

#1: Roll-Up Into Bridge

A wall pilates position.

This wall Pilates exercise for beginners primarily builds core strength and glute strength but also works your entire lower body.

Here are the steps:

  1. Lie on your back facing the wall with your knees bent 90 degrees and feet up flat on the wall about hip-width apart.
  2. Straighten your arms up toward the ceiling.
  3. Engage your abdominal muscles, tuck your chin into your chest, and slowly crunch up one vertebra at a time all the way up into a seated position as you reach your arms forward towards the wall, keeping them straight. Think about drawing in your belly button towards your spine and using your core muscles to go as slowly as possible rather than using momentum to help you sit up.
  4. Pause and then slowly curl back down, again one vertebra at a time, rather than allowing gravity to plop you back down onto the mat.
  5. Then, rest your arms down at your sides as you press your feet firmly into the wall, drawing your pubic bone toward your belly button and lifting your butt all the way up into a bridge position so that your body is forming a straight line from your hips down to your shoulders.
  6. Pause and squeeze your glute muscles in the top position.
  7. Slowly lower your hips back down, keeping your pelvic floor muscles and abs drawn in and engaged the whole time.
  8. Then, begin the sequence again with the roll-up and then the bridge, completing 10 full cycles.

#2: Single-Leg Bridge With Hip Abduction

A single leg glute bridge.

This is a great beginner wall Pilates workout exercise for your core, inner thighs, butt, and legs.

  1. Set up in the same way as the previous exercise but rest your arms on the ground by your sides.
  2. Press your left foot firmly into the wall as you straighten your right knee and take it off of the wall, pointing your toes up towards the ceiling.
  3. With one foot on the wall, use your pelvic floor and abs to draw your pubic bone and belly button inward as you push your left foot into the wall and lift your hips off of the ground into a full bridge position. Keep your hips square to the floor even though you are only using one leg.
  4. At the top of the bridge position, hold and then bring your right leg out to the side while keeping your hips completely level. Only go as far as you can before your hips start to drop. Think about squeezing your abs, glutes, and pelvic floor muscles to stabilize your body.
  5. Slowly bring the right leg back up to the vertical position. Move as slowly as possible, engaging your inner thighs.
  6. Lower your hips back down slowly, and then repeat 10 times.
  7. Then, switch sides.

#3: Wall Sit and Calf Raise

A wall sit.

This wall Pilates exercise for beginners is perfect for those who are trying to work on mastering proper squat form without bothering the knees. Using the wall helps force proper alignment of your knees and ankles.

Plus, this is a great wall Pilates exercise for beginners because you don’t have to get on the floor.

Adding the calf raise component makes this move strengthen all of the major muscles in your lower body.

  1. Stand with your back against the wall and then step your feet out as you bend your knees and hips 90 degrees until your body forms a chair position. Keep your back pressed flat up against the wall, and think about drawing your belly button in towards your spine to engage your core muscles.
  2. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor, and your shins should be perpendicular with your ankles stacked directly under your knees. Make sure that your knees are not extending in front of your ankles.
  3. Extend your arms straight out in front of your body so that you are not touching your thighs.
  4. Then, hold the position for five seconds and then lift the heels off the floor, rolling your weight onto your toes to perform a calf raise while staying in your squat position.
  5. Press through the balls of your feet to point your toes.
  6. Lower your feet back down. 
  7. Perform 10 calf raises while staying in the squat hold position against the wall.

#4: Triceps Push-Up With Side Leg Lift

A wall push up.

This is a fun, full-body wall Pilates beginner exercise that works your upper arms, core muscles, hips, glutes, and legs while challenging your balance.

  1. Stand with your feet together about 2-3 feet away from the wall, with your left side facing the wall.
  2. Reach your right arm across your chest and place your palm on the wall with your arm straight (adjust your distance from the wall so that you can reach the wall with no extra slack).
  3. Hug your left arm around your midsection across your body to get it out of the way.
  4. Then, step your feet further out away from the wall so that you have to lean into the wall like an angled plank. The further away your feet are, the harder the exercise will be.
  5. Once you have selected your position, keep your core tight and bend your right elbow to bring your torso into the wall, keeping your body at a 90° angle from the wall.
  6. Pause when you are in toward the wall, thinking about squeezing your triceps and obliques (side abs).
  7. Then use your triceps to press back to your starting position, fully extending your elbow.
  8. Before you begin the next push-up, keep your right leg (the one further from the wall) straight and point your toes towards the ceiling; lift your right leg or all the way out to the side, spreading your legs like opening scissors. Then, bring it back in toward your body and then straight up toward your chest and bring it out to the side again.
  9. Then, bring your leg back to the starting position and begin the sequence again.
  10. Perform 10 reps and then switch sides.

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