Top 6 exercises that will get rid of the excess weight on your hips!

The hips are one of those body parts that can make or break a first impression or a beautiful figure. Shaping it is not an easy task either, as we need to exert a little more force.

Since 6 out of 10 people gain more weight on the hips, we show you 6 exercises that anyone can easily do at home, and the results can be seen after just 1 week if you do the exercises regularly.

Good luck and happy training!

Task 1

With your feet pointing outwards, squat down to a perpendicular angle, making sure that your back remains straight, because then the target direction of the exercise on the body will change. Repeat 30 times.

Task 2

As before, the squat remains, but the feet are parallel. Let’s stand up like this, and when we’re up, twist our torso in both directions, then down again…. and so on. Repeat 30 times.

Task 3

Perform forward lunges, making sure that the back remains straight and that the knees touch the ground. Repeat 30 times.

Task 4

Lie in a straight line and do leg lifts at an angle of 30 and then 60 degrees 30 times. We do this on the other leg as well, the main thing is to feel a burning sensation on both sides.

Task 5

The basic position in which we lie down is similar to the previous leg lift. The difference is that we lift both legs at the same time, of which we repeat 15 times, and then turn to the other side.

Task 6

We remain in the basic position of the 4th and 5th tasks, we pull one leg up, and with the other we do lifts with the leg extended upwards, making 30 of them.

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