Top 5 Inner Thigh Exercises (Includes Bonus Video)

Inner thigh fat can be a very troublesome part to get rid of. Diet and exercise are essential to successfully eliminate and tone this part of the body.

In today’s article, we present you the best and most effective exercises for the inner thighs to get results in the shortest possible time. These exercises can be done at home, so it is not necessary to go to the gym.

Performing the exercises on a daily basis will provide verifiable results in just a few weeks. On the other hand, when it comes to diet, just make sure you avoid any junk foods, sweets, and soda as they are very detrimental to your weight and progress.

Toned thighs are healthy, attractive and strong inner thighs. Show your loved ones some love with these inner thigh exercises for shapely legs.

1. Back squat
Top 5 Inner Thigh Exercises (Includes Bonus Video)

Position the bar comfortably across the back of your shoulders so that it rests on your upper trapezius muscle (upper back).
Stand tall with your feet below your hips and your toes pointing forward.
Bend at the hips, knees, and ankles to lower into a squat position. Keep your chest up and your torso upright during each phase of the exercise. (At the bottom of the squat, your spine and tibia bone should be parallel.)
Return to the starting position by extending your knees, hips, and ankles.
Select a weight challenging enough to perform 8-10 reps.
Rest and repeat for a total of three sets.

2. Star jumps
Top 5 Inner Thigh Exercises (Includes Bonus Video)

Stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides.
In one movement, she jumps trying to get her feet to the sides and raises her arms above her head.
You have to imagine that when you are in the middle of the jump you make a star with your body.
Return to standing position and repeat.
Do 30 repetitions.

3. Jump lunge
Top 5 Inner Thigh Exercises (Includes Bonus Video)

Get into a split stance with your right foot forward and your left foot back. Go down into a lunge and immediately push down to the ground to jump up as you switch feet.
Complete 16 reps total, alternating legs on each jump. Rest and repeat until you complete three sets.

4. Frog kicks
Top 5 Inner Thigh Exercises (Includes Bonus Video)

Lie on your back, extend your legs and bring your heels together.
Next, bring your legs towards your belly, without separating your heels. Then do the reverse movement to the starting position. That’s a repeat.
Do 20 repetitions.

5. Box jumps
Top 5 Inner Thigh Exercises (Includes Bonus Video)

Get a box that is a height that you feel comfortable jumping into.
Stand in front of him with your feet together, brace your core, and jump on top of him. You must contract the abdomen in each jump to strengthen the belly area.
Jump back to the starting position.
Do 10 reps in 3 sets.

Below we show you a GymVirtual video that will help you and complement the previous exercises.

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