Sit-ups and crunches are undoubtedly useful, but apart from being difficult to perform, many individuals have back and neck discomfort as a result of practicing them.

As a result, in today’s post, we’ll show you a few choices that offer similar calorie-burning effects. Aside from that, they’re ideal for beginners, and we recommend giving them a shot.

Side Plank Crunches

Medicine Ball Twists

Sit on the floor and stretch your legs and back as much as possible. Turn to one side of the body, then the other, with your arms wide front. Rep this exercise ten times more. Make 12 complete revolutions. (There are 24 turns!)

Medicine Ball Jackknives

Medicine ball jackknives are one of the most efficient ways to work your core in a short period of time. Lay flat with your legs straight. Above your head, hold a medicine ball. Raise your legs as high as possible, maintaining them as straight as possible while you bring the medicine ball closer them. Slowly lower yourself, then repeat. If you’re having trouble with them, bend your knees toward your chest rather than keeping your legs straight. Your abs will burn after three sets of 10-15 reps per side.

Mountain Climber Crosses

To do this exercise, get into the plank position and bring your left knee near your chest, then push it back and draw your right leg toward your chest, simulating a climbing action. Then repeat the action for another 30 to 60 seconds.

Split Leg V-Ups

As though you were against a wall, lie flat on the ground with your legs vertically up. Maintain this position while attempting to extend your back such that your fingertips touch your toes. Make sure your core is engaged when performing this action, and you should feel a fantastic abdominal burn. Rep till you fail!

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