The exercise that burns more abdominal fat in 5 minutes than 100 classic sit-ups

When you start to adopt a healthier lifestyle by exercising, you’re probably imagining spending hours and hours in the gym to achieve good results. This is not true, and below we suggest a way to get a flat stomach in a short time.

Fat accumulates quickly in the abdominal area and around the waist. The plank is undoubtedly the most effective exercise in this regard, and below we suggest a 30-day challenge to slim your waistline. Before listing the challenge program, we suggest three variations of the plank exercise that allow us to obtain an even more complete workout.

Simple plank

This is one of the best abdominal exercises to strengthen all your muscles and slim your waistline. Lie face down on the floor. Then lift your body, keeping your weight on your forearms and the metatarsals of your feet. Hold the position for at least 15 seconds per set. Perform 3 to 5 sets.

Side plank

This variation is excellent for strengthening the lateral muscles. Rest a single forearm on the floor and the rest of your body on one side. Only one foot must support the weight of the body, the other foot must be placed on top. In this position, slowly lower your pelvis and then raise it again, tightening your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for 15 seconds, repeat 15 times and then change sides.

Rotational plank

As with the basic plank, start lying on the ground. Lift your body, keeping your weight on your forearms and toes. Starting from this position, rotate your pelvis from side to side. Perform the exercise for 15 seconds.

Plank challenge: 30 days to get back into shape

Day 1 – 20 seconds Day 2 – 20 seconds Day 3 – 30 seconds Day 4 – 30 seconds Day 5 – 40 seconds Day 6 – rest Day 7 – 45 seconds Day 8 – 45 seconds Day 9 – 1 minute Day 10 – 1 minute Day 11 – 1 minute Day 12 – 1:30 minute Day 13 – rest Day 14 – 1:30 minute Day 15 – 1:30 minute Day 16 – 2 minutes Day 17 – 2 minutes Day 18 – 2:30 minutes Day 19 – rest Day 20 – 2:30 minutes Day 21 – 2:30 minutes Day 22 – 3 minutes Day 23 – 3 minutes Day 24 – 3:30 minutes Day 25 – 3:30 minutes Day 26 – rest Day 27 – 4 minutes Day 28 – 4 minutes Day 29 – 4.30 minutes Day 30 – 5 minutes

Share this challenge with your friends, they will thank you when they too have a flat stomach.

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