The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

The number one fitness wish list item I hear as a trainer and yogi is: “ I want a flat stomach ”. That’s why my clients constantly ask for more short sets of crunches.

Although traditional core workouts are good, I especially love the way the yoga sequences activate my belly through each breath and vinyasa . Plus, there are lots of sneaky interlocking planks, forcing you to engage your abs!

This 10-minute workout is the perfect mini yoga flow to add to your routine as summer approaches, giving you a firm, toned belly in no time.

Read on for this yoga-inspired 10-minute workout for ripped abs .

Child’s Pose: hold the pose for 3 breaths
The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

It is best to start each yoga flow with a stretch and breath to warm up the body. Bring your knees up to the mat with your toes touching. Extend your fingertips in front and activate your arms by lifting your forearms off the mat. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth 3 times. Now close your mouth and continue to breathe using your ujjayi breath, breathing in and out through your nose.

Come into dog pose and hold the pose for 2 breaths.

Downward Dog – 4x
The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

You will then perform this series of Downward Dog 4 times (2 on each side). Begin in downward dog and lift your right leg toward the ceiling to make three-legged dog, bringing your left heel down to open the back of your leg. Bring your right knee up to your nose and hold your breath. Bring your right foot through your hands for a low lunge, then bring your left foot to meet your right. Rise halfway up to prepare with your hands on your shins, then fold forward, slightly bending your knees. Inhale and bring your arms above your head as you stand up, then lower them to your heart center.

Finally, exhale as you bring your arms along your body into tadasana (mountain pose). Inhale again, bringing your arms up, and exhale as you dip into a forward fold. Stand up halfway to get ready, then place your hands on the mat and step back to the plank. Lower halfway down to chaturanga, inhale upward dog and exhale downward dog. Repeat 3 more times, alternating legs.

Perform a downward dog and hold for 2 breaths.

Plank to downward dog – 10x
The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

You will continue to activate your abdomen with this series of planks. From downward dog, twist into a plank with your hands under your shoulders, feet hip-width apart, and heels back. Shift your weight forward and onto the balls of your feet. Hold one breath and return to dog position. Now accelerate by inhaling into the plank and exhaling into downward facing dog. Repeat 9 times.

Perform a downward dog and hold 2 breaths.

Side plank: hold 3 breaths on each side
The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

To sculpt your obliques, the next pose is the side plank, or vasisthasana. Get into a plank and bring your feet to the back of the mat so they touch. Placing the weight in the right hand, roll to the right side stacking the feet and hips. Raise your left arm toward the ceiling and look up. (You can lift your top leg for an extra challenge.) Hold for 3 breaths. Return to plank position, then downward dog. Repeat in the other side.

Perform a downward dog and hold for 2 breaths.

Ship Stance – 10x
The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

Get ready for the ultimate burn that will hit every muscle in your stomach! From Downward-Facing Dog, jump up or slide your feet through your hands and lower your buttocks to a sitting position.

To get into Boat Pose, lower your shoulders down your back, place your hands lightly on your thighs, and begin to lean back, keeping your stomach and back engaged. Next, she inhales and slowly lifts her feet off the mat to tabletop position. Draw the chest towards the thighs, release the hands from the legs and keep them along the body. Straighten your legs to increase the challenge. Hold your breath, then lower your body by straightening your legs and lifting your upper and lower body off the ground about an inch for Boat Pose. Pull out your abs and hold your breath. Build speed by inhaling up into Boat Pose and exhaling down into Low Boat Pose. Repeat 9 times.

Perform a downward dog and hold for 2 breaths.

Savasana – hold for 10 breaths
The best 10 minute workout to get sculpted abs

Now let your body free and enjoy the last pose, the favorite part of yoga! Lie down on the mat for savasana, allowing your feet to open, your shoulders to relax, and breathe again. You can put a blanket or pillow under your knees to free up your lower back. Stay like this for 10 breaths. Namaste.

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