Soak Banana Peels in 1 Bottle of Water: What Happens Moments Later

As mentioned, this organic waste is undoubtedly a set of benefits with different intended uses. In spring and summer you can also use the product as a repellent for mosquitoes and annoying insects.

The home method is certainly interesting and is very easy to prepare. The ingredients are as follows:

Water 400ml;
200 ml wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar;
Sugar 200 grams;
Banana 1 peel;

Water bottle with 2 liter capacity.

banana peels

Proceed by cutting the plastic bottle in half with the help of scissors or a cutter. Delicate operation not to be done by children and in any case with the utmost care.

Take a bowl to mix the vinegar and water, add the sugar and mix until all the ingredients have blended together. Pour the mixture into half of the plastic bottle and add the banana peel at the end.

Flies and mosquitoes do not like this smell, but at the same time they are greedy for the sugar present in the mixture. A natural repellent that will make insects escape, for a home free from unwanted presences. The bottle can be placed in every corner of the house, repeating the operation once every two days.

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