Scientists tell women to stop wearing bras. The reason? Amazing!

A group of scientists have told women to simply stop wearing bras, and it wasn’t because of October 13, National No Bra Day.

Going without a bra seems to further promote and improve the tone of the breast tissue. Furthermore, wearing a bra from a young age does not help to support the chest, reduce back pain or prevent sagging breasts.

Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sports science researcher and professor at the University of Franche-Comte in the eastern city of Besançon, France, conducted a 15-year study on the effect of bras on 330 women. from 18 to 35 years. His research team found that women who did not wear bras had better-looking breasts.

Scientists tell women to stop wearing bras.  The reason?  Amazing!


“ In the study, women who stopped wearing bras – by personal choice, not as a requirement of the study – had 7mm higher nipples than regular bra wearers. Bras, according to them, could hamper circulation and reduce breast tone over time .” The team used a slide rule to record changes in the woman’s breasts from year to year.

Professor Rouillon told France Info in an interview that “ Medically, physiologically, and anatomically – the breasts do not derive any benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they manage to be more down in a bra ”.

There are a few other professionals who agree with Rouillon. Dr. Stafford Broumand confirmed it to Refinery29 : “ Younger women who do not wear a bra achieve greater production of collagen and elasticity, which improves the development and elevation of the breast. ”. Broumand had no connection to the study.

Scientists tell women to stop wearing bras.  The reason?  Amazing!


However, there are many others who do not fully agree with his advice.

Deborah Orr writes in The Guardian:

« Jean-Denis Rouillon, professor of sports science at the University of Besançon, has spent 15 years studying the anatomy of 330 women, and has come to the conclusion that bras are a “false necessity”.

Thus, he is the smart one and the women are stupid. Except, wait. Rouillon is not an expert at all, because he doesn’t have breasts. He calculates that “medically, physiologically, and anatomically the breasts do not derive any benefit from being denied gravity.” But women don’t wear bras for medical, physiological, or anatomical reasons. They are placed for psychological, aesthetic, and practical reasons. Bras keep our breasts from constantly wobbling, allowing us to forget about them. Otherwise we would be cupping them in our hands every time we rush to catch an elevator.

Rouillon says her research shows that the nipples of women ages 18 to 35 enlarge by an average of 7mm when braless. He doesn’t understand that one of the many comforting things about bras is that you rarely have to think about how your nipples might be. Women are encouraged to care enough about their breasts. The last thing we need is for us to have to think about them and their well-being that much more.”

As you can see, they are two conflicting and very different positions. Who has the reason? What do you think? Tell us!

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