How to exercise when you don’t feel like it

Exercising… when you don’t want to

I think we all know the feeling. We know we should be exercising, but what we really want to do is relax on the couch. And sometimes… the sofa wins.

Motivation can be a tough beast. Even when we know that exercising would be best for us, sometimes we need to give ourselves a little encouragement to do it. That’s why we thought we’d share our five favorite motivational strategies for working out:

1. Think about your “why”

Why do you want to exercise? Is it to be stronger? Maybe it’s to decrease body fat or increase muscle mass. Maybe it’s so you have the stamina and energy to play with your kids without getting fatigued or injured. Sleeping better at the end of the day is another great motivator. Take a couple of minutes to think about your reason for cultivating a healthy and fit lifestyle. For me, my big reason is that it makes me a better person! I have much more energy, patience, and focus when I take the time to sweat it out.

2. Think about how you will feel when you finish

When I’m debating working out , chances are I’m feeling a little off. When I remember how much energy and accomplishment I’ll feel if I go for it, it’s enough to get me going.

3. Give yourself 5 minutes

When I really don’t feel like exercising, I set a timer for 5 minutes and go. I tell myself that when the 5 minutes are up and I still don’t feel like exercising, I’ll stop. 100% of the time I want to move on. Often it is simply a matter of getting started.

4. Evaluate your exercises

If you don’t feel motivated with your routine, you are most likely forcing yourself to do too much or do something you don’t necessarily enjoy. The treadmill is a great example. If you hate the treadmill, there’s no way you’re going to be motivated to jump on it and hit the start button. So put down the treadmill! Do something else you like for cardio like walk around the neighborhood, take a dance class you like, spinboxing etc There are many options for physical exercise, choose one that you really like and you will have a better chance of achieving it! Also, make sure your fitness plan is balanced and includes at least 1-2 full days of rest each week. When you train too hard, it’s very hard to get motivated because your body tells you it needs a break.

5. Set small checkpoints and rewards for yourself along the way

I’m a big believer in rewarding yourself for consistency! Set yourself monthly goals (like “I’m going to train 3 times a week for the whole month”) and when you reach your goal, treat yourself to a new workout top, pair of leggings, a massage, spa treatment, or something to congratulate yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything big; just something to acknowledge that you’ve worked and stayed consistent.

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