Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises

The buttocks are one of the areas where attention is most focused when deciding to start an exercise routine. However, the fat that accumulates just below the buttocks is one of the most difficult to remove, and classic buttock exercises may not help in this regard.

Exercises such as squats , bridges, and isometric exercises are very effective for toning the gluteal muscles, but they are of little use if the goal is to burn the fat from the classic “love handles” that form just below the muscles.

To have really round and firm buttocks, it is necessary not only to tone the muscles, but also to eliminate that accumulated fat. Doing it is not easy, but there are some specific exercises that can be of great help.

6 exercises to eliminate fat rolls under the buttocks

Here are some exercises designed to burn and eliminate fat that accumulates under the buttocks, which you can combine with your muscle training routine to get firm and well-toned buttocks.

Exercise 1: Leg rainbow
Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises

Get on all fours, with the palms of your hands on the ground.
Extend one leg.
Now move the extended leg taking the foot to the outside of the other foot and, drawing a semi circle (rainbow), take it to the opposite end. That’s a repeat.
Repetitions: 12 to 20 repetitions with each leg.

Exercise 2: Lateral walk with resistance band
Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises

With a resistance band looped around your lower thighs, place both feet on the floor hip-width apart, making sure your knees remain in line with your toes. Looking straight ahead, flex your hips and knees, making sure your knees are in line with your toes. Continue to bend your knees until your upper legs are parallel to the ground. Make sure your back is at a 45-90 degree angle to your hips. This is the initial position.
exhale. Keeping in a squat position and with your right foot on the ground, step your left foot out so that your feet are slightly shoulder-width apart.
Inhale. Maintaining the squat position and with your left foot on the ground, step your right foot in to return to the starting position.
Complete 10 reps on the same side before completing the remaining reps on the other side.

Exercise 3: Lying Side Leg Raise
Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises

Lie on your right side on an exercise or yoga mat. Make sure your head is supported by your hand.
Lift your left leg up as high as you can, keeping your leg straight. Hold it for 1 second at the top.
Slowly lower your leg.
Do this 15 times and then switch sides.

Exercise 4: Single leg steps
Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises

Stand next to a bench with your back straight.
Place your hands on your waist or hold one or two dumbbells at chest height.
Put one leg at a 90 degree angle and place it on the bench, keeping the other leg straight and planted firmly on the ground.
Drive your body weight through the heel of your left leg and simultaneously push off your right foot.
Pause and hold your weight in the air for a second.
Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
Do 12 to 15 repetitions on each side.

Exercise 5: Reverse lunge
Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises

Stand tall with your hands on your hips or hands behind your head.
Step back with your right leg and squat down until your knee almost touches the ground.
Return to the starting position.
Do 10 repetitions, then switch sides.

Exercise 6: Hydrant

Eliminate fat rolls from the buttocks and tone them with these specific exercises
How to eliminate fat and increase muscle mass in the buttocks

Start on all fours, with your knees just below your hips and your hands just below your shoulders.
Keep your back and neck straight and look straight ahead.
Keeping the knee bent, lift the right leg out to the side until the thigh is parallel to the ground. Hold the position for a few moments and lower the leg back to the starting position.
When you finish, repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Do 12 repetitions on each side.

There is no magic formula to eliminate fat, but rather a combination of a healthy diet, physical activity and an exercise routine aimed at toning muscles and increasing muscle mass.

The area below the buttocks is one of the most difficult to train and shape. It’s almost impossible to decide exactly which area to remove fat from (unless you’re undergoing cosmetic treatment), but it is possible to adopt exercises to reduce overall body fat.

Add the exercises that we have described above to your training routine to eliminate fat from the buttocks, but remember to combine them with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

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