Do these exercises before bed and watch your belly fat burn

Many women have difficulty getting used to the appearance of their belly. The abdomen is a part of the body that requires special treatment and you will therefore have to be careful when doing your exercises so as not to hurt yourself. Certain muscles , such as those of the stomach, can become deformed, this is what we call, for example, diastasis.At Hiit  Workout , we are convinced that sport and fitness exercises also help you feel good about yourself. Here are 7 exercises that will help you get a flat stomach little by little, without the risk of hurting yourself. You will simply need a floor mat to be more comfortable when you do the floor exercises.

1. Leg Lift

7 exercises that will help you get a flat stomach

Leg lifts will help you regain tone and strengthen your lower back and abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Raise your legs, keeping them straight, 30 cm above the floor. If it’s too difficult, lift only one leg at a time.

Do between 10 and 15 repetitions and do about ten each day.2. Bike

7 exercises that will help you get a flat stomach

Still lying on your back, bend your legs and raise them so that your shins are parallel to the ceiling. Straighten and bend your right leg, lowering it toward the floor. This is the same motion as pedaling on a bicycle.

Start with 5 repetitions, then do a few more each day.

3. Abs at waist level

7 exercises that will help you get a flat stomach

Always lie on your back, palms facing the floor. Raise your legs, keeping them straight at 90 degrees to form a right angle with the floor. Gently lift your upper back and lean slightly toward your stomach, then rest your back on the floor.

If this exercise seems too hard for you, start by doing it with your knees bent. Do 10 repetitions and add 5 more each day.

4. Reverse sit-ups

Raise your upper body as you would for a normal abdominal exercise. Bend your knees, keeping your feet on the floor. Bring your knees up toward your face, pause when your knees are at right angles to your stomach, then return to starting position.

Start with 10 repetitions and then add 5 more each time.

5. Cycling Abs

Bend knees until knees are parallel to ceiling. Bend your elbows and place your hands under your neck. This abdominal exercise is the same as the one we know, except this time you try to touch your right knee with your left elbow and your left knee with your right elbow.

If you find this exercise difficult, do not lift yourself too far off the ground during the first few sessions.

Start with 10 repetitions (1 repetition = touching both knees with both elbows). Gradually add more repetitions to your workout.

6. Inclined Plane Position

Get down on all fours. Slowly raise your left leg parallel to the floor. At the same time, raise your right hand out in front of you. Hold this position for about 3 seconds, then return to starting position.

Switch arms and legs. Keep your back straight. Start with 5 repetitions, then add 5 more when you find this exercise easy.

7. Sea Turtle Position

Lie on your stomach. Your hands should be stretched along your body, then gently lift your chest. Your hands should follow the movement and rise above the level of your buttocks. Return to starting position.

Perform 5 to 7 repetitions of this exercise.

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