A single exercise that is worth more than 1000 sit-ups – 2 minutes a day and after 30 days you will see the difference!

You can get your body in perfect shape in as little as 30 days, and all you have to do is dedicate 2 minutes a day to this exercise. It can also be done at home, on the mat, without special equipment or sports clothing. 

If your goal is to be more muscular and shape your whole body, then you only need to do plank training. This will definitely come in handy before bikini season.

This is how you plan correctly

Get down on your knees, then support yourself on your forearms and assume a push-up position. Don’t push your bottom out too high and don’t lower it too low.

Your neck, back, hips and legs should be in line. Your upper arm should be positioned exactly below your shoulder, do not push forward or backward from this line.

From here on, all you have to do is hold out for the given time interval, which means 2 minutes a day. It is guaranteed that you will achieve visible results after 30 days, but for this you need to do it every day, don’t miss the weekends either.

This exercise also strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, abdomen and back. It works both deep and surface muscles, while it melts away fat.

If you are a beginner…

It is worth breaking the 2 minutes into smaller time intervals on the first days, because although it seems very simple, it is actually a real strength-testing exercise.

Start with 30 seconds, rest 15 seconds, then repeat 3 more times.

If you feel that you can handle it better as the days go by, it is enough to divide the 2 minutes into two.

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