9 Bodyweight GLUTE Isolation Exercises You MUST Do for Your Butt (at Home)

Glute exercises to do at home: introduction

The glutes are the largest muscles in the body and have very important functions. They are responsible for maintaining balance and power when we jump, walk or run.

We talked to two certified personal trainers to find out the best exercises to strengthen your glutes. However, always consult a doctor or personal trainer before starting a new exercise regimen.

Many people want to strengthen and grow their buttocks – also known as the butt – for aesthetic reasons.

But when it comes to physical health, having strong glutes is essential. “ They are the main movers in the hips and thighs, so when we sit, stand, jump, or even climb stairs, the glutes take care of all of these functions ,” says Ben Walker, a certified personal trainer and owner of Anywhere Fitness, a fitness studio located in Dublin, Ireland.

The glutes are made up of three muscles:

  1. Gluteus maximus: It is responsible for hip extension, as when walking, and lateral rotation of the thigh, as when swinging the leg.
  2. Gluteus medius: It is responsible for moving the leg away from the body, such as when getting out of bed, and for balance.
  3. Gluteus minimus: It is the smallest of the three muscles and helps to walk and rotate the legs.

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