8 stretching exercises to become as flexible as a cat in 4 weeks

Flexibility plays a bigger role in our well-being than we think. Experts believe that good flexibility helps you achieve better results when you exercise, increases mobility and muscle coordination, reduces muscle pain and prevents injuries.

Good flexibility also improves blood circulation and can play an important role in preventing some serious diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, and kidney problems.

For this reason, we offer you ten stretching exercises to significantly improve your mobility and elasticity. With these exercises, you will surely get stronger and more agile muscles and joints.

Get ready to exercise your whole body. The results will surprise you sooner than you think.

Do them after your usual workout or a couple of times a week for 4 weeks and the results will amaze you sooner than you think.

1. Cat and cow stretches

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

A cat and cow stretch is great to start warming up your spine, it also works flexibility in your back, neck and shoulders. Get on your hands and knees. Slowly arch your back, dropping your stomach to the floor and lifting your head. Pause for a few seconds. Slowly roll your back up like a cat. Do 10 repetitions.

2. Back Extension Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

The back extension stretch is great for stretching your back, just make sure you don’t overextend it. If you feel any pain or discomfort in your neck, you have probably overdone it. Lie face down. Come up on your elbows keeping your stomach flat on the floor. Next, push up with your hands, in a pseudo push-up position, but keeping your hips on the ground. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

3. Side Angle Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks

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The side angle stretch works multiple muscles, including your spine, groin, hamstrings, and abs . Separate your feet about 1.5 meters. Extend your arms so they are parallel to the ground. Lean to the right side, bending your right knee and resting your right elbow on your knee. Extend your left arm toward the ceiling, keeping a straight line from your left foot to your left hand. If you can, lower your right hand to the ground behind your right foot. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

4. Extended Puppy Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

The extended puppy stretch is great for your entire upper body, including your back, shoulders, and arms. Get down on all fours keeping your hands under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Slowly move your hands forward, lowering your chest to the ground. Don’t lift your arms off the ground. Hold the position for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

5. Side lunge stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

Let’s move on to the legs, starting with this side leg stretch. Work your legs and hips. Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly transfer your body weight to your right side. Take a stride to the right side. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Do 3 reps on each side.

6. Seated Hamstring Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

Sit on the floor with both legs stretched out in front of you. Extend your arms and lean forward, trying to reach as far as possible, keeping your legs straight. Hold 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

7. Seated Straddle Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

The seated straddle stretch works to increase the flexibility of the inner and outer legs. Start in a sitting position. Stretch your legs out to the sides as far as you can. Extend your arms forward as far as you can. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

8. Hurdler’s Hamstring Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

This hurdler’s hamstring stretch works the flexibility of the hamstrings and calves. Sit on the floor with one leg stretched out. Bend the other leg at the knee and place the foot near the inside of the opposite thigh. Extend your arms above your head and lean forward on your straight leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

9. Seated Spinal Twist

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

The seated spinal twist is great for increasing flexibility in your shoulders, chest, and spine. Sit on the floor and keep your legs straight. Bend your right knee and place it on top of your left leg. Hold the position for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the same on the other side.

10. Bridge Stretch

10 stretching exercises to be flexible like a cat in just 4 weeks© image of bodyhiitworkout.com

The bridge stretch is not only an effective core exercise, it is also good for stretching your neck, spine, thighs, and hips. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Slowly raise your hips, keeping your shoulders on the ground and your feet flat. Hold 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

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