8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Everyone aspires to be in good health and have a great figure, but to achieve this goal, it is extremely important to work hard. Now, working hard doesn’t necessarily mean signing up for a gym membership and making the gym your second home.

In fact, what if we told you that you can get in shape without leaving your bed? That’s right, friends. Here are 8 great exercises that will help you get rid of that unwanted fat without having to buy any unnecessarily expensive equipment or equipment.

1. Lying Lateral Leg Raise
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Lie on your right side on an exercise or yoga mat. Make sure your head is supported by your hand.
Lift your left leg up as high as you can, keeping your leg straight. Hold it for 1 second at the top.
lowly lower your leg.
Do this 15 times and then switch sides.

2. Plank with leg raises
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Lie face down, in the typical plank position, resting your forearms on the floor.
Raise your right leg as high as you can, then lower it back to the starting position and do the same with your left leg. This is a repeat.
Complete 12 repetitions.

3. Glute bridges
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Lift your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Pause when you are in that position and then slowly lower your body to the floor.

Do 2 sets of 12 seconds.

4. Elevation of both legs
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Start by lying on the floor with your legs elevated and your hands behind your head and breathe deeply. This is the initial position.
Slowly lower your legs as far as you can without touching the ground.

Then raise your legs to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

5. Russian twist
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Sit on the mat with your legs bent, relax your elbows and hold your hands.
From this position slowly turn to the right, while touching the floor near the hips, then return to the center and continue with the left to complete one repetition.

Remember that the movement is not large and must come from the rotation of the trunk. Try to keep your abdomen contracted at all times and make this movement performed in a more controlled way.

Do 30 repetitions.

6. Push-ups
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Start on all fours with your hands on the floor, slightly wider than vertical with your shoulders, but in line with them.
he body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.

Tighten your abs as much as possible and keep them tight.

Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, making sure your elbows are tucked close to your torso.

Pause and return to the starting position.

Do 20 repetitions.

7. Bicycle crunches
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

ie on an exercise mat, facing up.
She places her arms with her hands behind her ears or head.
You must bend your legs alternately, bringing them closer to the abdomen. Synchronizing the movement of the legs with that of the arms. Bringing the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg. And vice versa.
Try to do 10 to 15 repetitions with each leg.

8. Inverted crunches
8 light exercises to burn fat that you can do right in bed

Lie face down on the floor, with your legs bent as if you wanted to perform a classic abdominal exercise.
Place your arms at your sides, with your palms resting on the surface of the floor. Relax your shoulders and back, looking up.
Bend your knees and bring them towards your chest. Perform this movement without lifting your back and without moving your pelvis too much.
ighten your abdominal muscles as you do this.
Stay in this position for a second, and then slowly return to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times.

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