7 Exercises for a killer inner thigh workout at home

One of the most difficult areas of women’s legs is the inner side of the thighs.

No leg day is complete without showing those inner thighs some love. Not only does having strong inner thighs look great, but it’s also functionally beneficial.

All you need to lose weight in your thighs is a balanced diet, persistence, and regular training. In this article, we will tell you what exercises you need to do to tone the inner and posterior thigh muscles, remove “lugs” and tighten the buttocks.

To get a complete workout, do a warm-up before your main exercises. Next, perform each workout in 3 sets and finish by stretching.

These moves will help you tone and sculpt your lower body fast.

1- Side Leg Raises

Lie on back, bend knees, put feet at pelvic width, put hands behind head. Lift your pelvis up until it forms a straight line, then separate your knees to the sides, close and lower your pelvis to the starting position.

 Bridge with extension

Lie on back, bend knees, put feet at pelvic width, put hands behind head. Lift your pelvis up until it forms a straight line, then separate your knees to the sides, close and lower your pelvis to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 15.

3- Kick

Stand straight with arms bent at chest level for balance. Kick your leg forward while tensing your abs. The supporting leg should be slightly bent.

Number of repetitions: 15 on each side.

4- Hip Lift

Stand up straight, palms together at chest level. From this position, lift the knee up and then bring the leg back behind the supporting leg, bending the knee. Try to do an extension, not just a swing, so that you feel the inner and back muscles of the thigh.

Number of repetitions: 10 on each side.

5- Burpee

From a standing position, lower yourself down and jump into a plank pose. Then return to the squat in the same way and jump up. After that, immediately lower yourself down and repeat the previous movements.

Number of repetitions: 20.

6- Leg extension lying down

killer inner thigh workout

Lie down on the floor. The head, shoulder blades and lower back are pressed tightly, and the body is fixed. The legs are lifted at a right angle. Spread the legs apart as wide as possible. Hold at the extreme point for about one and a half seconds. Bring your legs together.

Number of repetitions: 20.

7- Butterfly pose

killer inner thigh

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and knees bent. Lower your knees to touch the floor (or as low as you can go) and return to starting position. Complete 2 sets of 15 repetitions.

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