6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio or aerobic exercise, is any type of repetitive activity that raises your heart rate, such as walking, swimming, or cycling.

This type of exercise offers many health benefits, including:

  • Increase endurance and fitness.
  • Strengthen the immune system .
  • Improved heart health.
  • Reduced risk of disease, including heart disease and diabetes.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system by increasing blood flow to the muscles.

The good news about cardio exercises is that they rarely require equipment or even a gym membership. And you don’t need a treadmill or elliptical machine to get started. Here are six cardio exercises for beginners that you can do at home.

1. Jumping jacks
6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides.
In one movement, jump your feet to the side and raise your arms above your head.

Immediately reverse that movement by jumping back to the starting position.
Do 30 repetitions.

2. Run on site
6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

Place yourself in a place with space and slowly begin to simulate running.
Try to raise your knees as high as you can and synchronize them with your arms. Increase speed little by little; dose it, don’t overdo it. Do this exercise for 60 seconds.

3. Jump rope
6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

Try to have your feet as close together as possible.
Do this exercise for 60 seconds.

4. Mountain climbers
6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

For this exercise, you have to get into a high plank position.
Continue bringing your left knee toward your chest, then bring it back to the starting position and then do the same but with your right knee toward your chest, reproducing the look of a climbing movement.
Count up to 30 movements between both legs.

5. Burpees
6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
Lower yourself into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.
Push your legs back into a push-up position and lower your chest to the floor.
Return to position two, pushing both feet forward to return to the squat position.
Jump and raise both hands above your head.
Do 10 repetitions.

6. Jump squat
6 trainer-recommended cardio exercises you can do at home

Start standing with your feet together, arms bent, and hands clasped behind your head.
Jump your feet out and when you land, immediately squat down, keeping your arms where they are.
Extend your legs and jump your feet back to the starting position, and immediately jump out again.
omplete 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

what you need to know

Cardiovascular exercise is any repetitive movement that raises your heart rate. This type of exercise offers many benefits, including improving mood, boosting the immune system, and improving heart health.

If you are starting to incorporate cardio exercises into your daily or weekly routine, start slowly and add more time and intensity as you gain endurance. You can do different cardio exercises such as walking, mountain climbing and jumping at home.

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