Fitness: 6 exercises to tone your thighs and eliminate the fat

While a healthy diet is the cornerstone of a healthy body, exercise helps strengthen it and make it look firmer and more toned. In this article, discover 6 exercises to slim and firm your thighs for shapely legs and a slender look!

Your thighs are a source of complexes and you have decided to declare war on them? While it is important to feel good about our bodies and to accept ourselves as we are, it is possible to overcome certain flaws if we consider that they impact our daily lives. By practicing a few targeted weight training exercises, you can get in better shape, get slimmer legs and slim down your thighs. With just a few sessions a week, you can strengthen your thigh muscles and slim down your legs. Another benefit is that you will gain strength, stability and improve your posture. These are all reasons to follow these workouts that you can easily do at home.

  1. Knee lifts

This workout is particularly effective for slimming the back of your thighs. To perform it, contract your abdominal muscles with your back straight and pull your belly button in towards your spine. From this position, raise your left foot and then your right foot one after the other. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

  1. Lunges

These exercises work your quadriceps and calves to gain firmness. Tighten your abdominal muscles, keep your back straight and your hips parallel to the floor. Bend your right leg and swing your left leg back. Make sure your right knee does not extend past your toes. Return to the starting position and switch legs. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

  1. Squats

This movement is a must for a beautiful, bouncy butt, no matter what your age. Ideal for shaping the buttocks and thighs, simply incorporate it into your sports routine to see results quickly. Stand with your legs hip-width apart and tighten your abdominal muscles to maintain a straight posture. Bend your knees, pushing your buttocks back as if you were going to sit down. Push up through your thighs to return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

  1. Plank with arms and legs off the floor

This pilates move is great for losing thigh fat and eliminating saddlebags. Get on all fours on a yoga mat, knees in line with your hips and hands placed on the floor at shoulder width to maintain your balance. With your back straight, tighten your abdominal muscles, trying to bring your belly button closer to your spine. Then lift your left foot back and your right hand forward. Hold this position for one minute and then switch sides. Do 3 repetitions per side.

  1. Scissors in lateral position

This exercise is very effective for building up the muscles of the inner thighs, which are called adductors. On a yoga mat, lie on your right side and rest on your forearm. Your legs should remain straight and in line with your body. Contract your abdominal muscles, and using the strength of your leg muscles, lift your left leg slightly with small gaping movements. Do 20 reps and then switch sides.

  1. Jumping jacks

This move is a must-have for your slimming program because it combines cardio and strength training. Standing with your hands at your side, do jumps on the spot while simultaneously opening your legs and arms. Do 5 sets of 30 seconds each.

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