6 Bodyweight Exercises For Fitness And Strength

Bodyweight exercises

The most common excuse most people have for not exercising is lack of time. You cannot go to the gym because it is not well located or your schedule does not allow it.

And while these are very legitimate issues that most of us struggle with, have you ever stopped to think that you don’t need to go to the gym to exercise?

With bodyweight exercises, you can start a training program anytime, anywhere. Bodyweight exercises rely on the weight of the person to create resistance to movement, without the need for additional machines or equipment.

Simply put, you use your body like a machine and therefore these exercises can be done anywhere: at home or outdoors, and even in a hotel room, if you are a frequent traveler.

The main benefits of bodyweight exercises are that multiple muscle groups are targeted, which helps you burn more fat. Depending on the intensity, bodyweight exercises will take over your cardio, increase your metabolic rate, tone your body, and improve your endurance.

Here are the most basic bodybuilding exercises you can do anywhere:

1. Push-ups

The most common bodyweight exercise, push-ups target the chest, arms, and shoulders.

Stand on your hands (shoulder width apart) and put your toes on the floor.

Flatten your back and keep your body straight and neutral.

Inhale and lower your body until your chest touches the floor. Bring your elbows closer to your body.

Push your body back to the starting position as you exhale.

2. Burpees

A great cardio workout, this is a full-body strength training exercise that works your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abs.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Lower your body into a squat position and place your hands on the floor in front of you.

Step your feet back and get into a push-up position.

Lower your chest and do a push-up.

Return your feet to the original squat position.

Stand up, jump and clap above your head.

3. Plates

Get into a floor push-up position.

Bend your elbows 90 degrees and support your weight on your forearms.

Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders.

Hold the position for as long as you can, ideally for two minutes.

4. Crouch

Squats, a compound movement (involving more than one muscle group), target the buttocks and thighs.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Spread your hands apart, bend your elbows and bring your fingers together.

Sit like a chair.

Bend your upper body slightly forward and arch your lower back.

Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Keep your body tense and push through your heels and bring your body back to the original position.

5. Slots

This functional (full-body) movement improves hip mobility and strengthens the knees, quads, and hamstrings.

Stand tall with your upper body straight.

Step forward with one leg.

Lower your hips and bend both knees to a 90 degree angle without touching your back knee to the floor.

Push up to the starting position.

6. Mountaineers

This isometric exercise is great for the biceps and triceps. It also works your abs, and depending on the intensity, you can increase your heart rate like cardio.

Get into a plank position: hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart.

Bring your right knee to your chest using your abs.

Return it to the starting position.

Repeat with your left knee.

The routine should include 10 minutes of warm-up, 30 minutes of bodyweight exercises, and 10 minutes of cool-down exercises. Following this diet three times a week and changing your routine every three to four weeks can be very beneficial. Start with these basic bodyweight exercises and move on to more advanced versions. You can even add props like dumbbells or kettlebells to your routine.

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