5 simple exercises to lose side fat without the gym

The importance of losing side fat

Let’s be honest, that side fat, love handles, doesn’t fit into your skinny jeans, and it can be quite difficult to get rid of. And that’s because the fat in love handles is located on the side of the abdominal area.

Many people believe that a typical abs workout will eliminate them, but that’s not the case. The love handles sit on top of the obliques, which are a very specific group of abdominal muscles, and require a special set of exercises.

To lose lateral fat you have to target it with accuracy and precision, and yes, you can target the obliques to maximize toning, but fat is lost through cardio and diet. And unless you get rid of your excess fat through healthy eating, your toned abs will never be seen.

The best strategy to lose side fat and eliminate love handles:

Step 1. You need to eat lean. You have to eat clean.

Step 2. You need to add a 30-minute cardio session every other day and if you feel really fit, increase it to 6 days a week. Research from Duke University found that people who walked about 30 minutes 6 days a week barely gained abdominal fat over a period of 8 months.

Step 3. You have to try the following 10-minute workout to lose lateral fat, which targets your obliques hard, while also working the rest of your core. Trust me, it will give those love handles a nice shape.


All you need is to repeat the following circuit 3 times. You have to move from one exercise to another as quickly as possible and do this routine 3 times a week.

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First, sit on your butt with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, your torso should be leaning back at a 45 angle to the floor.

Next, hold a dumbbell with both hands and then lift your feet off the ground, crossing them at the ankles and balancing on your butt.

From this position, you have to turn your torso to the right and touch the dumbbell on the floor next to your body and then turn back to the left touching the dumbbell on the left side of your body.

You have to repeat this movement while remaining balanced with your legs and torso raised off the ground.

✅Perform 50 repetitions.

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You have to get into a side plank position with your elbow on the floor and your legs and hips resting on the floor. Next, using your abs and keeping your body in a straight line, lift the lower half of your body off the floor into a straight plank position.

Then go down again and repeat.

✅You have to do 15 on the right side and then 15 on the left side.

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First of all, you should lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. Next, keep your hands together and contract your abs, lifting your shoulders and upper back off the floor.

At the same time, you have to move your right elbow towards your left knee so that they meet in the center of the body. Next, you must change position by bringing your left elbow towards your right knee.

Then continue as quickly as possible while keeping your torso off the ground.

✅Perform 30 repetitions.

5 simple exercises to lose side fat without the gym

Do 20 on each side using a hand weight (or medicine ball), standing with your feet hip-width apart with the weight on your left leg.

First, start by holding the dumbbell with both hands next to your left shoulder, then rotate to make a cutting motion toward your right hip.

Next, let your feet and knees pivot with the twist and lift the weight back toward your left shoulder and repeat for 20 reps. And then work the right side.

✅You have to do 20 for each side.

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Make sure you inhale and exhale on each rep, and focus on squeezing your core, not your neck, on each rep. Also be sure to focus on your form for each lift.

Extend your hands, but do it in a comfortable movement. Stop the exercise if you feel any pain, especially in your lower back.

✅Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

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5 simple exercises to lose side fat without the gym

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