Many of us have the goal of incorporating an exercise routine into our daily lives. However, this is one of the objectives that most commonly fades over time and the initiative that led us to make the decision to exercise disappears. Many of us have the goal of incorporating an exercise routine into our daily lives. However, this is one of the objectives that most commonly fades over time and the initiative that led us to make the decision to exercise disappears.
Our team brings you a simple 10-minute daily routine that will change your entire body in just 4 weeks. You can do it at home, you don’t need special equipment, you don’t spend a penny on gym memberships and in less time than you imagine you will be fitter than ever. Follow this challenge to the letter with a day-by-day plan of exercises to tone up and lose weight, and start the year fulfilling the purpose that you always leave for later.
Below you will see photographs that illustrate each of the exercises that make up this challenge. Pay attention to how you should do them properly.
4 week fitness challenge to transform your entire body female at home
To do the plank correctly you must adopt the position you see in the photo: all the weight of your body should be supported only by your elbows, forearms and the balls of your feet. It is important that your legs and back form a straight horizontal line. Your butt should not be too high or too low and throughout the time you remain in this position you should keep your abdomen tense, exerting upward force.
Push ups
To do push ups you must assume the plank position as a base. You will immediately push yourself upwards, moving only your arms. Make sure that when doing this the force comes from both your upper extremities and your abdomen. Once you have fully extended your arms, your back and legs should form a straight diagonal line, be careful not to stick your butt out when doing this movement. The last step of the push ups, and perhaps the most difficult, is to lower your body weight again by bending your arms as slowly as possible until you are back in the plank position.
Glute toning
To start this movement you must assume the basic position that you see in the image above: crawling or on “four legs” supporting the weight of your body on your knees and hands. Next you will raise one leg straight, trying to make it remain as close to the other as possible, that is, without opening it outwards. Simultaneously you will raise the arm on the opposite side of the leg you chose. When you return to the starting position, repeat the movement with the other leg and the other arm.
To do squats properly, you need to stand with your legs slightly open (shoulder distance apart) and your back straight. Immediately, you will begin to lower yourself, as if you wanted to sit on an imaginary low seat. In this movement your bent knees should never be further in front of your feet. Your butt should go as far back and down as possible. To maintain balance you can raise your arms in front of you as you see in the photo. Come back up to the starting position as slowly as possible.
To carry out this movement you must lie down completely on a mat on the floor. Then slowly raise your knees and bend them like the girl in the photo. Simultaneously move your arms so that your hands can touch your knees. Return to the starting position and repeat. You can alternate moving only one arm and leg, as in the second photograph.
Abs + glutes
This complete exercise is performed as follows: Rest your arms and feet on the mat, lifting your butt and forming a triangle with your body. Now lift one of your legs, taking it as far back and up as possible. When lowering it, try to touch the tip of your nose with your knee and then return to the starting position. Now repeat the previous movement with the other leg.
For this exercise you should lean your back straight against a wall, have your knees slightly bent, bringing your butt down and raise your arms straight in front of you (you can do it with a ball as in the image or simply intertwining the fingers of your two hands). . Now carry “the ball” until it touches the wall behind you on the right side. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement, bringing “the ball” to the left side.
4 week challenge:
Use a stopwatch to count the time you invest in each exercise
Week 1 routine:
Repeat this sequence of movements for six days.
2 minutes: the iron.
1 minute: Push ups.
1 minute: glute toning.
1 minute: abs.
1 minute: abs + glutes.
1 minute: waist.
2 minutes the iron.
Rest 10 seconds between exercises.
Week 2 routine:
Alternate these routines for 6 days.
Routine 1:
3 minutes: the iron.
3 minutes: abs.
3 minutes: glute toning.
Rest 15 seconds between one exercise and another.
Routine 2:
3 minutes: waist.
3 minutes: push ups.
3 minutes: abs + glutes.
Rest 15 seconds between one exercise and another.
Week 3: repeat the routine from week 1.
Week 4: repeat the routine from week 2.
After a month you should see results throughout your body and have acquired the habit of carrying out this simple exercise routine that only takes 10 minutes a day. If you want to continue with the rest and see even more changes in your body, start over and double the time of each exercise in the routines.