5 of the best arm exercises at home

We have excellent news for you if toned arms and shoulders are on your “must have” list. To acquire toned arms, you don’t need a sophisticated bicep curl machine; you can perform it at home with very little equipment.

“To obtain an excellent arm exercise at home, just take a set of dumbbells, weighted items, or a set of resistance bands,” advises Openfit Live trainer Katie Mumford. You may even utilize only your own weight in some circumstances.

To get you started, here are some arm workouts. To accelerate your results, include some of these into your next upper body exercise.

1. Shoulder press with resistance band

Shoulder blades
Place one foot in the middle of a resistance band and walk back with the other.
Hold one end of the resistance band in each hand, palms facing forward, at your shoulders. This is the starting point.
Raise your hands over your head until your arms are straight, keeping your core strong, back flat, and chest high.
Return to the beginning position by pausing and then reversing the movement.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise


Target: Shoulders

Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length, palms facing in, and stand with your feet hip-width apart. This is the starting point.
Raise your arms out to the sides until they reach shoulder height, keeping your core strong, back flat, and chest high.
Return the weights to their starting position after a brief pause.

Dumbbell Front Raise

Openfit image

Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length, palms facing in, and stand with your feet hip-width apart. This is the starting point.
Raise your arms in front of your body until they reach shoulder height, keeping your core tight, back flat, and chest high.
Return the weights to their starting position after a brief pause.

Resistance Band Bicep Curl
Goal: Biceps

Hold the grips at arm’s length at your sides, palms facing front, with both feet in the center of a resistance band. This is the starting point.
Curl the handles toward your shoulders using only your lower arms (keeping your elbows locked at your sides).
Pause, then slowly drop the handles back to their initial positions.

5. Dumbbell skull crusher

Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios

Goal: triceps

Place your feet flat on the floor or on a bench, and hold a pair of dumbbells straight over your chest, palms facing each other. This is the starting point.
Bend your elbows and drop the weights to the sides of your head using only your lower arms.
Return to the beginning position by pausing and then reversing the movement.

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