5 Moves, 5 Minutes Wasp Waist In 30 Days

Fighting the fat that accumulates in the abdominal area of ​​the body is one of the biggest challenges when exercising. For many it is a matter of doing thousands of repetitions of sit-ups, but at  Hiit Workout we know that the waist involves many additional muscles to the abdominals.

That’s why we bring you this exercise routine where various areas of the back, belly and trunk are worked to shape your waist. If you accompany it with a balanced diet low in fats, sugars and flours, in 30 days you will begin to see results.

Hiit workout

Put these 5 movements into practice every morning. If possible, follow this cardiovascular exercise routine for 15 minutes, in this way you activate your metabolism and help your body drain the fat accumulated in the area you want to shape. The exercises we propose will help you tone the muscles present in the middle area of ​​the body.

1. Leg dance

  • Lie face up on an exercise mat with your arms at your sides.
  • Raise your legs at a 45-degree angle. Be careful not to raise your back, arms or head when doing this movement.
  • Bring your legs together to the right. It is important that you keep your legs together at all times and rotate until you feel your body stretch.
  • Bring your legs back to the center, until they are in line with the rest of your body.
  • Now repeat the previous movement but turning to the left side.
  • Perform 15 repetitions on each side and rest 2 seconds each time you bring your legs back to the center.

Hiit workout

2. Flexible and toned

  • Sit on an exercise mat with your back straight and your legs straight (at a 90-degree angle).
  • Open your arms until they are straight at shoulder height.
  • Twist your waist and lower yourself until your right hand touches the ball of your left foot.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the previous movement using the opposite foot and hand.
  • Repeat the entire sequence 30 times, always taking care to keep your legs glued to the mat and your back straight.

Hiit workout

3. Oblique abdominals

  • For this exercise we recommend using a few pound weight or a ball. This will help you maintain your posture and make your body exert the necessary force appropriately.
  • On an exercise mat, sit holding the weight or ball in front of you with your arms straight, legs slightly bent, the soles of your feet well supported, and your back at a 45-degree angle backwards.
  • Turn only your waist to carry the weight or ball to the right.
  • Return to the starting position and then repeat the previous movement, taking the weight or ball to the left. When you do these repetitions, imagine that behind you there is a wall and that the objective when turning is to make the object you are holding touch that wall.
  • Perform 30 repetitions of this series of movements.
Hiit workout

4. Up, down

  • Sit on your side on an exercise mat. Your body should assume the initial position you see in the photo.
  • Tensing your legs and abdomen, lift your body so that it is supported only by your feet and one of your hands.
  • Return to the starting position as slowly as you can. We recommend that you count 8 seconds while you go down while continuing to put tension in your legs and abdomen.
  • Repeat 15 times and when you’re done, switch sides and start again.
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5. Swimming in the air

  • Face down, lie on an exercise mat. Next, raise your arms, legs and head so that your entire body is supported by the abdominal area.
  • Move your limbs making a “scissors” gesture; up and down alternately. Count 20 seconds while doing these movements and return to the starting position to rest for 2 seconds.
  • Repeat the above 10 times. If you feel fatigue, extend your rest intervals to a maximum of 10 seconds.
Hiit workout

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