If all of you are doing exercises for the lower body lately, it is the right time to combine your own routine. Our bodies go around in various directions, perhaps not in one way. These five movements will make sure you won’t ever get bored exercising your own buttocks.

Plié Squat 

Image result for Plié Squat

Plie Squat:  Can be done without a weight for beginners.  With toes pointed diagonally outward, wider than shoulder-width, lower yourself into a deep squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground.  Keep your back straight and shoulders back and down.  Knees should not go past your toes on the ‘down’ position.  Exhale and come back to starting position.  Repeat.  For extra burn, at the end of your set hold your last squat in the down position for 20 seconds.

Lateral Step-Out Squat 

Image result for Lateral Step-Out Squat 

Start with your feet wider than your hips and your knees and toes pointing forward. (Slightly turning your feet out to 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock is okay too, if it feels more comfortable).
Shift your weight into your right heel, push your hips back, and bend that knee while leaving your left leg straight. Try to get your thigh parallel to the floor. You can bring your arms in front of you as a counter balance or clasp them at your chest.
Then, drive through your right foot to reverse the movement. Pause at the top to squeeze your glutes and stretch the front of your hips forward. That’s one rep.
Repeat on the other side.

Plank Leg Lift

What it does: Tightens your booty, hamstrings, shoulders, and core!
How to do it: Begin in a plank position with your hands directly below your shoulders and core engaged. Lift your right leg into the air, squeezing your booty. Slowly lower back down. Complete 20 reps then switch sides.

Lying Leg Lift

Image result for Side-Lying Leg Lift gif
Lie on side with both legs extended straight, toes pointed. Turn top leg out so top of foot faces ceiling and lift while maintaining the rotation. Keep pelvis stable by drawing in belly. Do 12 reps on each side.

Lie on your right side on top of a yoga mat or other soft surface.
Brace your core and make sure your body is in a straight line. Keep your right hand on the ground and your left hand on your hip.
Slowly lift the left leg into the air, keeping it straight during the exercise.
Slowly lower your left leg. Complete the set then repeat with the other leg.

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