30 day workout challenge for beginners no equipment

We’ll show you the best 30 day workout challenge to burn fat and strengthen your whole body, all without equipment and as a beginner. Then we’ll show you a program you can do in 15 minutes, with all the exercises mentioned and the number of repetitions you should do to feel better and improve your body. Are you ready?

30 Day Workout Challenge for Beginners – Lose Fat (Belly, Abs, Waist) at Home – No Equipment Required.

Jumping Jack

This exercise that will allow us to work several parts of the body, but above all it will give us that intensity factor that we are looking for if we want to define or lose weight. Many athletes often use it as a warm-up to warm-up quickly.

Knee push-ups

Still lack the strength to do push-ups? Don’t be worried, you’d better do this. The kneeling variation will allow you to improve your strength and practice this amazing exercise if you are a beginner.

To do this exercise, get on your knees and place your hands on the floor with a position wider than shoulder width apart and your arms outstretched. Descend until almost touching your chest on the floor and ascend again in the same way.


Definitely one of the most popular exercises in the fitness community. Squats have a ‘magical’ feeling of working your leg muscles great, of course, only if you do it correctly. To do this, stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and slightly rotated outward. Extend your arms forward (it will help improve your balance). Lower yourself down while bending your knees and bringing your hips back, at least until your legs are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position, propelling yourself with your quads.

Now that your squat is perfect, practice with a little weight without losing technique. Let’s go!

Walking Lunge

The slightly more advanced variant of the squats are the strides, lunges or walking lunges as they are commonly called. It incredibly works the glutes and quads, and in general the whole leg. The Kardashian’s should do this exercise instead of having so many surgeries.

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