3 Simple exercise to get a tiny waist and burn side fat in 10 days

You can’t burn fat directly from your waist, BUT you can do exercises that strengthen your deep core muscles, which will pull in your waist and make it smaller. You can also do cardio exercises that will help you burn fat all over your body. This tiny waist workout combines core strengthening exercises with cardio to give you the perfect mix for a perfect waistline (although, in my opinion, you’re already perfect just the way you are right now, and I LOVE you!)

These 3 slim waist exercises help to burn calories and strengthen the deep core muscles that burn side fat and give you a tiny waist! There is no doubt that you will be able to get great results.

Hip raises:

This seems to be a very easy exercise, and you may feel it, but when you finish this routine you will feel a slight soreness due to the effort put in, but remember, for the gym, without pain there is no glory. First, lie on your back with your legs slightly bent and your arms at your sides, palms facing the floor. Then slowly raise your hips, squeezing everything, and go down in the same way.

This exercise will help you strengthen your muscles and tone your hips, repeat it 10 times of four sets, but remember to go little by little, if you feel you can’t take it anymore, take a little rest, because these are not little runs.

Lateral Leg Raise:

This may seem like one of the easiest exercises, and it certainly is, but you must have good posture for this to have the results we are looking for, as it will help you tone your waist and it is that your buttocks will also benefit. To do this, you should lie on your side and lean on your forearm, placing your other hand on the floor as a balance support, then stretch your legs and slowly raise the one you have on top. You have to repeat this movement 10 times of four sets and change position to the opposite side to do it with the leg that was on the ground.


Finally, and one of the exercises that undoubtedly has more weight in this routine, as it will help tiny waist and burn side fat. To begin you will have to lie face up on the floor with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hands behind head with elbows out to sides. Crunch up to lift shoulder blades off floor while simultaneously lifting right foot off floor and pulling left elbow toward right knee. Return to starting position, then repeat on opposite side.

Do this exercise 15 times out of five series, yes it is more than the others, but we promise you that it is the one that will work the most for you. Keep reading: 3 cardio exercises that will burn calories faster than running in Just 3 Minutes

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