This is a great training you can do anywhere and at any time and all you need is 25 minutes, because to get rid of fatty tissue at the upper body, you need to do complex exercises regularly, so it’s easier today, because we will introduce you to a series of exercises, you can even do it at home.

All you need is to do the exercises, and we know that you are not lazy and it’s not an excuse, but sometimes you do not really have time to go to the gym, so this set of exercise does not take much time and you do not need any special equipment, nor sportswear.

You can do these exercises at home when your family is still asleep.

Do these exercises because they are dynamic so they will make you sweat and burn calories. These exercises will also speed up your metabolism, so your “safety belt” around your stomach will disappear in less than a month.



-To do this exercise first you need to lay face down on the ground with extended legs and then you need to point your toes while you place your hands beneath your shoulders and next you need to push yourself up into the plank position. And then you need to maintain a tight core and flat back and bring your left knee to your right elbow. Then you need to pause and slowly return each to the starting point and next you need to repeat with the other side and keep alternating.



-What you need to do is to sit on an exercise mat with your legs fully extended and your upper body upright and then you need to cross your ankles and raise them off the floor slightly. And next you need to bend your knees towards you slightly and to lean back about 15 degrees to balance your body and this is the start position.

Then you need to be in a smooth motion, and then turn your torso to the left and touch the plate on the floor and make sure you exhale as you do this. Next, you need to return to the start position inhaling as you do so and then repeat the same movement, this time to your right side, again exhaling as you do so. You need to return to start position and repeat.



-First, you need to lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground, with your knees bent at 90 degrees and then you can place your feet up on a bench a few inches apart with your toes turned inwards and touching. Next, you need to place your hands lightly on either side of your head and keep your elbows in so that they are parallel to your body and then you need to push your back down flat into the floor to isolate your abdominal muscles.

Next gently curl your shoulders forward and up off the floor and continue to push down into the floor with your lower back and then you need to raise your shoulders about four to six inches only. After that, you need to hold and squeeze your abdominal muscles for a count of one and then return to the start position in a smooth movement.



-You need to lie flat on an exercise mat on the floor and then extend your legs fully and place your hand’s palms down, flat on the floor beside you. Then you need to keep your feet together. Then draw your knees up towards your chest, until your thighs are at 90 degrees to the floor and your calves are parallel to it and this is the start position.

Next, as you inhale, you need to curl your hips up off the floor while bringing your knees further towards your chest and then continue the movement until your knees are touching your chest, or as far as comfortable. Then you need to hold for a count of one and then in a controlled movement, return your legs to the start position, exhaling as you do so and repeat.



-For this exercise first you need to lie on a padded surface on your left side and then stack your legs and bring your right hand behind your head and then you need to lie your left arm in front of you or across your body and brace your core.

Next, you need to pull from the obliques, then bring your elbow up and towards your feet and don’t pull yourself with your hand. Then you need to take a pause and feel the contraction in your obliques and then slowly return to the starting position.



-Start this exercise in a side plank position, with your right shoulder over your elbow, your body in a straight line in reach your left hand toward the ceiling and then you need to twist your torso forward and slowly place your left arm under your body and then repeat and switch sides.



-First, lie down on a flat surface or mat and then you need to start with your legs straight, then come up and next you need to touch your toes, and then let your torso fall back down. And then you need to bring your legs up into the air, touching your toes again.

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