10 Plants Native Americans Used to Cure Everything

The ‘Creator’ gave Native Americans the power to understand and preserve medicinal herbs. At least that’s what the Cherokee believe to be born with.

They trust nature, and employ natural healing. It’s all about the gathering technique. The rule is ‘you only gather every third plant.’ In this way the herbs will keep growing.

We give you a list of the healing herbs the Cherokee used. But, beware, these herbs are quite strong and dangerous when not handled properly.

Cherokee healers used these herbs, but they had the best training. You should also learn how to understand the power of nature. Oh yes, be gentle when picking your plants.

Check the best herbs Native Americans used:

  1. Big Stretch (Wild ginger)

Prepare a cup of mild tea to enhance digestion, relieve stomach issues, colic, and eliminate flatulence. The Meskwaki, another Native American tribe, used pulverized wild ginger stems to treat ear infections. Its rootstocks can replace ginger in your home remedies.

  1. Hummingbird Blossom (Buck Bush)

It proved great results in the treatment of cysts, fibroid tumors, inflammation, and mouth/throat problems. Researchers have found that this healing herb can lower blood pressure and treat lymphatic blockages.

The Cherokee used Hummingbird Blossom to improve kidney function, and also treat:

  • Inflamed tonsils
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding

The Cherokee people steeped the flowers and the leaves of this plant in boiling water for five minutes, and always enjoyed their tea warm.

  1. Pull Out a Sticker (Greenbriar)

Its roots are packed with starch, which means a lot of calories and a strange flavor. The stems and leaves of this plant contain lots of vitamins and minerals. This plant has a rubbery texture, so you can use its roots instead of potatoes.

Greenbriar is a mild diuretic with works well in the treatment of urinary infections. It also cleanses blood. The bark of this plant and its leaves can be made into an ointment that accelerates the healing of burns and minor sores.

Add greenbriar leaves to your tea to relieve arthritis, and eat its berries raw. You can also make nice jam using these berries.

  1. Wild mint

You have probably used this one. What you don’t know is that mint is packed with antioxidants. It’s also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamins A and C, and fiber.

He Cherokee used wild mint to treat problems with the digestive system. Crush mint leaves, and use them as a cold compress, or you can just make a powerful ointment. Add wild mint to your bath to soothe itchy skin.

As mentioned before, the Cherokee used a blend of stems and leaves to treat hypertension. Breastfeeding moms can use mint water to treat sore nipples.

  1. Blackberry

It’s one of the best remedies for upset stomach. You can also use it to treat bleeding gums – all you have to do is chew a few blackberry leaves.

Make a decoction from blackberry leaves, and sweeten it with maple syrup or honey. Solid blackberry root tea reduces joint and tissue swellings.

Blackberries are rich in vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, riboflavin, thiamine, folate, niacin, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids, and fiber.

Blackberries can also:

  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Relieve endothelial brokenness
  • Treat malignant ailments
  • Improve heart function
  • Enhance digestion
  1. Cattail

It’s a potent preventative plant. Cattail is easily digestible, and accelerates recovery. The good thing is that you can use every bit of the plant. Cattail root is packed with starch, and the male plants contain tons of pollen.

Prepare it in the same way you prepare your potatoes. Cattail puree treats sores and burns. The pollen of this plant can be used in baking.

Cattail blooms can give you a hand in cases of diarrhea. Use the fluff of its blossoms to relieve irritation in babies, something pretty much similar to diaper rash.

  1. Qua lo ga (Sumac)

Every part of this plant is usable. Make a mild decoction from the bark, and use it to treat diarrhea. Gargle sumac bark decoction to relieve sore throat. Use ripe sumac berries to get healthy portion of vitamin C. sumac leaves can treat fever.

Add crushed sumac leaves in homemade ointments to relieve poison ivy rash. A study from the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research confirms that sumac can lower cholesterol.

  1. Jisdu Unigisdi (Wild Rose)

It’s packed with vitamin C, which makes it powerful in the treatment of flu and common cold. Mild wild rose tea improves kidney and bladder function.

Make a wild rose petal infusion to relieve sore throat. The root decoction will help you treat diarrhea. Wild rose petals can make your jam even more delicious.

  1. Mullein

It soothes asthma attacks and chest congestion. The Cherokee inhaled the smoke from burnt mullein roots and leaves to “calm” their lungs, and clear the airways.

Mullein can also soothe your mucous membranes. Prepare warm decoction, and soak your feet in to treat swellings and pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties will help you soothe sore and irritated tissues. Mullein flower tea acts as a mild sedative agent.

10. Squirrel Tail (Yarrow)

Yarrow has amazing blood clotting power. Apply fresh crushed yarrow leaves to your open wounds to stop bleeding.

Combine yarrow juice and fresh spring water to stop internal bleeding and intestinal diseases. Make tea from its leaves to improve the abdominal functions, and enhance digestion.

Yarrow treats kidney and gallbladder issues. It can do wonders for your chapped hands. This applies to other skin irritations, too.

Source: www.organicandhealthy.org

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